this man is just a weapon for goverments plans.. think about it how much money this man take from guns companys to talk like this.
sell guns to children create fake violant news to sell more guns. and people are dangerous cuz of games ha?
these politicians think we are still living 100 years ago. in today everyone has consciousness. AND WE ALL KNOW WHAT GAMES YOU PLAY FOR MONEY YOU STUPÄ°D SHÄ°T HEAD!!!!
i really hate digital portal games.. i pay money and i have to get game with manual and great cover design.. play it complete it. and put it in your library.. its great energy to look their cover after a couple of weeks later.
i repeat i hate digital download system. in the future i know games will be only available on digital.. and that time i will always use pirate ways..
im collector god damn.. i dont wanna pay for some gigabytes..
ive got the game 3 days before. im playing and its clearly good game.. yes it has serious bug which is everything appears 1 or 2 scnds later. but trust me game sucking you to inside.. great game everyone needs to try it
supermarioooooo's comments