@evil_m3naceI don't agree. i remember when i first heard about this game, mess with peoples memories what fun that will be, then i play the game, so the theme of the game is memory manipulation and what you spend a lot of your time doing is nobbing around with button configs to make a new combat combo, running on rails trough the level with a bit jump from ledge to ledge in a token gesture of something different from a 3d beat'em up and every now and then u go into a persons mind and change thing in a can't fail kinda way. i did like the story i just think the premise was not used right in the game play. music was pretty good.
@cratecruncher@suppaphly42i can see your point i only add that the steam box is more like a console, in its easy ot use, and may not prepare people the same way a pc does as it requires a bit more of a learning curve that a plug a play steam box
I'm knew to the building a pc gaming rig, a buddy sold me his rig a year and a half ago and i started to play alot of the same games i had for my xbox 360 on my pc just to see what all the fuss was about. oh buddy did i every find out. so i thought i should build a top of the line rig with all the overclocking parts i would need ( go big or go home right) and spent about a month looking up stuff so i'd know what to do and not kill my rig before i started. so now i just skipped the whole steam box step. its not that hard , i think people either sell them selves short or are to lazy. I'm not going to talk about the money to do this the steam boxes are not cheap so if u can buy one of them then u can build a gaming rig.
games cause people to hallucinate what a load of poo (who typed that) as for christian themed games gotta go old testament should be violent enough to keep people interested and as for star citizen i can't wait think of all the hallucination that much money could buy
SuppaPHly42's comments