RaiKageRyu To new? This suckers exist for more than 30 years and still to new. Yes I know that you couldn't buy one even 5 years ago, but they were existed like memory card and so on. And I don't get one thing why is usb 32gb cheap like hell compare a 30gb ssd drive.
And what if the better color has nothing to do with the devolpers? I mean ati produce better colors than nvidia what if that is the problem that a lot of people say that on the xbox 360 is a tad better color.
Road_Runner_RR You are on drug ps3 witch are not only on that system. Soul Calibur 4 FarCry 2 Resident Evil 5 Mafia II Street Fighter IV But you prove that you are an idiot with far cry 2 this game is made first for pc.
TimecontrollNL Yes I agree that the cpu is way better, but sony was wrong with going on SRX graphich card it is just not so good and it was relised about 1 years after xbox 360 and still has xbox 360 better gpu. And why are you (not you TimecontrollNL) so pissed about EA if it weren't for them you wouldn't get the orange box for ps3. And I just won't to say about "free" ps3 online. Yes it is free but in there paper (if anyone has read it) you would see that if a company decided to go like a mmo game with monthly fee they can charge you for playing online. But with xbox live you have to pay 50$ a year and in there terms of agrenment it says that no company can charge for monthly fee. So when AGE OF CONAN will be relised on xbox 360 they can't charge you.
You guys are too much fanboys. Let first begin with GT why the hell are you compering to any other games. This game uses old graphical trick to look god (witch is ok), but why the cars looks so much better than any other on the xbox 360 is becouse in GT they need 180 day to do one car. And like forza they are gready and they don't do that much work. Second why is it important on wich console the game looks better, it is about witch game release do you like more and you buy that console. And people witch say that blu-ray is needed for new games you are wrong. I belive and a lot on analist that dvd will still dominate the market until 2012. And lett go with the console it self the xbox 360 can produce the same graphich as ps3 and ps3 can produce xbox 360 graphich. The only way the xbox 360 could't run a ps3 game is that wich the game would be most depending on the CPU (witch has ps3 better but in games it is the same and it will be the same for the next 4 years). Ow and I am not any fanboy I own a xbox 360 (becouse of the "backup" I can run), but I diffend ps3 mostly or xbox 360 witch one is more attack. Becouse noone realise that ps3 and xbox 360 are in hardware sense the same (xbox360 gpu more powerful and the ps3 cpu more powerful, but in the end in games if you program they have the same power). But the ps3 is the main problem tha cpu why they always have to go with something witch is hard to code and then with ps3 they go say that blu-ray is the future. So if it is? it still doesn't help to gett more games.
Look at crysis in dx10 and dx9 and the difference is not so visible. But every one agreed that when you play in dx10 and then go to dx9 you will see a big differenc.
sharingan87 you have mixed up I know the effect. I sead becouse every one is talking where is there 600% better performence. I only sead that 600% better performence in dx10 vs. dx9 is only there in the same quality and effect. I never sead that dx10 is the same like dx9.
OK now I will tell you about dx10. Microsoft said that will run 600% better but there is a problem they meant that it will run 600% better in the same graphic quality and effects as a dx9.
moh_sakhaii do you know that vista can turn a usb memory into ram. And I to don't like ms but I hate that every one say that vista is crap. Look at this way no vista no dx10 no crysis graphich.
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