About crysis there is some differenc crysis game is made for pc witch this game wasn't. And crysis will suport dx9.0L witch be more improved for high-end dx9 card. And even in this game is differenc a lot in dx10 just look realy god and you will se that object are more softly make.
Dx10 looks better watch the movie comperison and look athe the snow when it falling or when the enemy is hiiting in the graund is way more psyhic . So look againg not at the pictures this are all in dx9.0c the movie the right one is dx10.
Actual dx10 looks better a little bitt more detailed and of course when it is snowing in dx10 is much more dents. And physic is better when the monster is hitting in the snow. So don't tell some lame sh*t like you were dx10 is better.
Maximiliator don't meak a fool out your self. In crysis there are always in ther computer intel q6800 and nvidia8800gtx sli. And about 2900xt they haven't beaten nvida becouse from the begining they wanted gddr4 in it but it didn't work so they had to switch to gddr3.
so even if ati beats 8800gtx you are forgeting one thing nvidia is working on a new card so when this will be out I am sure that nvidia will bring the new card later.
The X2900XT is much better then the 8800GTX in terms of being "future proof". It has more stream processors 320 compared to the 8800's 128. Now i can say only this stream procesors doesn't maters so much how many it has what it mather s is how fast is working 1 stream procesors. So ati can have 320 but it stil doesn't mean that is faster of the nvidia 128. What I tests is that ati and nvidia are same in this are maybe ati is better but not a lot if it is.
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