PDZ is hailed as a POS by morons who have never played the game, and people who were expecting something else and immediately gave up on the game. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the game itself. It is just different than what most people were expecting.
I was disappointed at first impression, like many people. I didn't play the game for a long time. I thought the roll move was a waste of time, as well as the cover mechanic. I thought the single-player was bizarre. Some of the weapons were strange, and difficult to use. I didn't like it. Then when I was bored one day I went back to the game, and I felt like a complete idiot for missing out on a great gameplay experience for so long. The story is not that great, and the art style is different. Those are the only reasonable complaints that anyone can make about the game. It feels like a different game from the original, but it is not really a lesser game, except for its story. The roll and cover are actually extremely fun and useful when you get used to them, and each of the weapons has its uses. The multipayer is really great, and if you're not being turned off by the bizzare sci-funk story, the single-player missions are outstanding on their own.
And people who discount GRAW are fanboys, plain and simple. Sure, it's no longer an "exclusive" by system wars standards, but since when has that stopped games from being great. It's not like the PS3 is exactly rolling in AAA games that just happen to be non-exclusive. There's only one, and it was all ready a year old on Xbox 360 and PC.
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