Thanks. I take it you have Elite or new Premium box? I see that 3rd party has begun selling replacement power supplies on amazon, but the reviews all seem to end with "and after 10 minutes, it caught fire". Guessing such a power supply would void the warranty anyways.
swell536's forum posts
Yeah I did google it. Looked at all the unboxing photos I could handle too. (on a related note, there are lots of terribly out-of-focus pictures of onboxing out there).
Story below I found seems to suggest that it's still not dual voltage capable, but hoping someone in US or Canada can confirm that's true for latest rev of consoles there. Apparently msft sent a big shipment of consoles to the Europe with the wrong power supply. (oops)
Or anybody with a new premium would be good too. :-)
Last time I owned a 360 (before it red-ringed on me), power supply was 120 volts only. Can anybody with an Elite confirm that the power supply is still 120 Volts only? Most laptop power supplies, for instance, handle both voltages. Thanks in advanced.
I'm sure I missed this in FAQ and posts, but couldn't find it.
Can Wii point cards purchased in one region, be used in another (North American cards used in Japan, Australia etc)?
Thanks in advance.
Like anyone else, I play games to have fun. Don't need to find every last piece of heart in Zelda to do that. After I've finished a game, don't really want to play it anymore.
Since they are taking their sweet time releasing games this side of the globe, I am hurting. What would help, would be a good adventure/rpg 'ish game to keep me engaged for Oblivion-ish periods of time. Since Wii is all about the casual gamer (no offense guys), guess that's not likely to happen. Hoping at least the rate that games are released will increase next year.
On the upside, i think SPM is getting released here next week.
Glad to hear that metroid is fun. Still not expecting to enjoy, but hoping I'll be suprised. I don't think they've set a release date here yet.
I enjoyed Zelda, thought it got better along the way. I would agree though, probably not the best Zelda I've played. Sorry to hear that wasn't what you were looking for. If I hadn't already finished it, i would be buying the gamecube Super Paper mario Thousand Year Door. Great fun, but in your case, guess you'd also need to buy GC controller.
Yeah, miss the 360. Heck, i even miss Hexic on it. Think a variation of it, with the Wiimote could be interesting on VC. But don't think that will happen.
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