@stickemup: I enjoyed it quite a bit. Can't beat Origins. I do think it has the best combat and is my second favorite overall. On consoles, this franchise always leaned toward more action combat and it is finally fully realized here.
DA II is the worst. It tried to be mature by splattering blood all over the characters. The environments were awful. Veilguard looks awsome to me. I prefer the everyone is nice, just misunderstood story beats, then let's be mature, like what a 10-year-old thinks is mature. Inquisition is my most played Playstation game to this day. I grew to hate the combat and soured on the game in the end.
Was this writer even alive then? Ristar does not have the character design and appeal of Sonic and his friends. The quality of this game does little to help that. No chance. Kid Chameleon was what they came up with to combat SMB3. I think that one is overlooked. The powerups were awesome.
@mogan: Review in progress was a 7/10. His final review is 8/10. He ended up liking the game more when he changed classes. I really like the game and almost did not buy it from all the push back.
@faz9: Did not know that! Rebecca Ferguson is still my top choice. Hayley Atwell would be great as well. Although with Agent Carter it seems we got something similar already. I would not mind an older Lara.
Shovel Knight Dig is underappreciated. Grindstone remains one of my favorite games of all time and plenty of additional content was added after launch. The only thing I see missing is Horizon Chase 2—an excellent arcade racer. Grindstone is a great touch game on iPad. The other 2 need a PS5/Xbox controller.
Retro Bowl getting an NFL license? Awesome! I am renewing my subscription in September.
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