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swimmer1029 Blog

It's Amazing!!!!

The good news: My copy of Final Fantasy VII was delivered today.

The bad news: My ps2 is up at my dorms and the dorms are closed until the 8th. Meaning I have to go 7 more days without being able to play the game.

But at least my 5 year campaign to get the game has finally ended. Have a nice year peeps.


That's rght. I lied. This one will defintely be the last blog of the year. I'm sure you will all forgve me for that misleadng title of my last blog.:roll:

First off I've got a new theme. The banner and sig are of Kazuma from S-cry-ed. I made the banner which is why it sucks and spiritwave made the sig which is why it's awesome.

sig[spoiler] Swimmer sig fixed [/spoiler]

The blog header and the avi are of Kazuma (same name, different person) from Air Gear. The header is literally a cropped manga scan and the avi is just further cropped from that.

On to the end of year stuff though.

AWARDS:(I'll keep it short)

Best Game of the year: Call of Duty World at War (Wii). I loved the multplayer. The campaign and co-op was horrible, but the online multiplayer made up for it.

Best Anime of the year: Tengen Toppa Gurren Laggan. Just plain awesome. It hasgood comedy, awesome action, and great characters.

Best Manga of the year: Either Higurash No Naku Koro Ni-Onikakushi or Doubt. They were both amazing and have similar genres. (horror, suspense)

Best Movie of the year: Avatar. This guy does a great job of explaining it. Just go read his blog.

Best Union of the year: Toonami Union. It's still my favorite union, even over my own DBZFCU......which you should all join.:P

That's it for awards.

And on an end note I finally made the Black Knight rank in the toonami union.
Black Knight - Loyal Member of the Union!
At my current rate I'll make Hokage in two more years. :P

So til next time.

~swimmer 8)


Last Blog of the Year.

It's been about 6 months since I joined GS and man has this 1/2 year flown by.

My stats so far.

Level: 23 at 4 percent

Emblems: Look for yourself -_-. You've probably seen them a million times over GS anyway.

Profile views: 496
Friends: 115 (i'm trimming it down at 150)
People tracking me: 117
Games in collection: 132

Forum Posts: 10946
Comments: 27
Blog Posts: 21
Union Blog Posts: 9

Written Reviews: 0
Rated Games: 119
Videos Uploaded: 2
Images Uploaded: 368
Digg Refferals: 0
Tags: 2280
____________________________________________ _________________________________________________

Best Friends:Riou at the moment because all my good friends are staying away from GS. :lol: (ikhzo has been growing on me though)

Anime I've watched SINCE I'VE JOINED (meaning in the last 6 months)........I'm not making a list of each one, but it's about 41 days worth. :? (I know, I'm slacking on it)

Favorite Union: Toonami Union

Favorite User: (none at the moment)

Most respected GS User: I won't say because then my relationship with this person might become awkward. (it's one of the officers or Leaderof the Toonami Union)

Rank in the TU: Avenger with 4850 zeni. (after tonight I'll be a Black Knight with 5350 though)

I suppose this is it.


It's Christmans Break!!!

Not really. Christmas break actually starts in 15 days, but I know that theres going to be about 1000 of these blogs on GS so I figured I would go ahead and make mine now so that it wouldn't just be white noise when I do go on break.

Anyway I get off on Dec. 22 andI come back Jan 10 so this is going to be the longest break of my life. (Yay college)

I suppose that since this is a christmas blog I'll mention my wishlist

Final Fantasy VII
Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier
Printer Ink (:D)

That's about all I could think of.

I love Christmas time. It puts me, my brother, and my sister in the same house again, which almost never happens these days. Also this year I'll get to go up to the high school and make fun of my younger friends on the swim team while they hold two-a-day practices 6 days a week. They're the hardest practices of the year so I'm sure I'll enjoy watching them squirm.:twisted:

Other plans vary depending on whether or not theres snow. (I love snow so much)

Back To Green.

The red alert is over and my laptop is virus free. (after wiping the hard drive and reinstalling everything as well as 3 new anti-virus programs)

Anyway, it's nice to be back even though I was only gone 2 days, and thanks to miss and pain for being understianding about my absence in their times of union revamping.

Red Alert!!!

So my laptop may or may not have been hacked into and infected (it is).:x Either way I won't have it back for a few days until it's fixed.

Pretty much that means I won't be on for at least afew days because all I have is the home computer for the rest of today and tommorrow(sunday) and once I go back to the dorms I won't have anything.

Also the home computer is slow as crap so it really won't be worth it to get on. So I'll just be back later this week.

6 day weekend

Technically it's only a 5 day weekend, but I'm going to skip class on Monday so it all works out.

Anyway, during this glorious break I plan on making 3 reviews. In all honesty that probably won't happen though because when I wake up tomorrow I won't feel like writing them anymore.

Also, as most of you know, Thursday is going to be Thanksgiving and this year it's going to be celebrated at my house.:x It's going to suck having both sides of the familyhere at once.

And in other news I got an 86 on my accounting final. Some of you might recall that I got a 62% on the midterm so an 86 is awesome. (81% overall in class)

I wrote a 2.5 page financial analysis the other day and I'm incredibly proud of it. It was surprisingly fun to write too.(It took 13 hours though)

Also JOIN THE TOONAMI UNION. and the DRAGONBALL Z FAN CLUB UNION and the DR PEPPER ADDICT UNION(even though I'm not a member here)

Also I've been kicked out of the dorms until Saturday. I don't know why but they force everyone to leave on Fall, winter, and spring break. So I'm staying at my old house in my old room.

For some reason I act really weird when I'm tired.

*sings about juice*

And for those who are still with me let's get to the real point of this blog[spoiler] I haven't written a blog in a few weeks and I've been trying to find an excuse to make one.....that's really about it [/spoiler] Also I wanted some attention.:cry:


But for now, this is Red Leader. Over and out.

~Red Leader

Three Part Blog

This blog has three parts:
1. MyBirthday
2.GS Stuff
3. Funny Music


I. Part One.

My birthday was on Thursday. I turned 19 and overall it was a pretty good day. I had a nicedinner with my mom, grandpa, and brother. As far as presents go I got a new jacket which is nice because it's been really cold lately. Also I got my car back from the shop, but the engine light is already back on and it's having trouble starting so I don't think it's really fixed.


II. Part Two

I've got two MAJOR projects going on right now for school and I'm going to have a lot more come up right when I'm finished with those two.

Pretty much I'm saying that I'm going to be busy for a while and I probably won't be around GS as much as I would like to be. Because of that I'm gave temp leadership of my DBZ union to ikhzo and I've resigned from some of my officerships(hopefully only temporarily).


III. Part Three

Enjoy the random music that I found on my brothers iPod. They're good songs, but they're also funny.

Rockin The Beer Gut

My Next Five Beers a shadow.

*throws stick at SilentShadow*

I was tagged by someone.

*tackles SS and squirts toothpaste up his nose*

So lets get it over with.

1. I have a weakness for Potato Chips.

2. I love math.

3. I prefer strawberry jelly over grape jelly.

4. I don't wear shorts.

5. In my first year of marching band for the first month the average temperature was 105 degrees Fahrenheit and I still wore jeans.

6. I can do things with my tongue that you wouldn't believe.[spoiler] I mean I can click my tongue a lot louder than anyone I've ever met [/spoiler] 7. I haven't attended a full Calculus class since our second week of school.

8. I prefer a messy room over a clean one. A clean room feels like it's empty and it makes me uncomfortable.

9. I have an irregular sleep pattern.

10. My personality type isI, S/N, T, P. I doubt many of you will know what it means, and for those who do the reason it's S/N is because I consider myself to be half and half.

Now, I tag
1) sinistra45(someone who hasn't posted a blog in over a year. Also he doesn't read my blogs anyway)
2) iamBenG(someone who doesn't read my blogs, hasn't posted a blog in almost two years, and he hasn't logged on since August.
3)-bluerazor-(someone who isn't on my friends list so he can't even read this blog to find out that he's tagged, also he hasn't logged on to GS since May 2008. also he doesn't know me)

So there you have it.

*throws raisins at SS*

Midterms Are In!

I got the results of my midterms today.

-Accounting: 62% :(

-Philosophy: 86% :)

-Calculus: 100% :D

-Business X100: 76% :|

-American History: 92% :)

-Business X103: N/A



That is all.
