Depends. Sometimes I eat steak too often, and get sick of it. Same for chicken. So I tend to alternate between the two. I have no love for lamb though.
This may be a morbid question but...Out of these three choices of ways to die which would you choose?
Drowning....Extreme Heat (like in the desert) or Extreme Cold (in a blizzard or cold climate or something).
As weird as this question may seem I asked it at work and surprisingly people put thought into their answers. Most said drowning because apparently it is peacefull. What would I choose? Extreme Cold. My worst fear is to drown so yeah...
1) How do people know drowning is peaceful?
2) It certainly doesn't look peaceful!
I'd say extreme cold, because your body would just shut down. It probably wouldn't be as painful as drowning or extreme heat (which would cause heatstroke, nausea and headaches through dehydration etc etc.
1) People have drowned before and lived to tell the tale - resucitation.
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