Okay here it goes. The year is 2017 (same year as the .hack series) a boy talks with his friends about an online Spyro game that was going to be released in a couple of weeks. When he gets home he talks about it on the boards with his online friends (yes I took my experience on here and put it into my storyline) everything is going well (I explain my chacter a bit more and what his personality is like).
Then as the boy walks to school he notices golden lights appearing everywhere in the schools vincinity and within the lights were the apes from the legend of Spyro games. People ran away as the apes tried to caputure them and put them into their designated portal to which they may transport them somewhere. Whenever someone is captured he/she is placed on the teleporter where a golden ring spins beneth them transforming them into dragons about the age of Spyro and teleporting them away. (I would like to explain why they transform into dragons when this happens but I would rather wait until I start the story first. I'm trying not to reveal much in the storyline except for a couple of key points).
The boy was getting surrounded by apes. He looked for a way out and saw a metal pipe on the ground (got the idea from star ocean till the end of time). The boy slashed with the pipe, hitting the apes every time and when he dealt the final blow the apes disappeared in codes (numbers, what ever you want to call them). He also noticed that their was some sort of green object floating in the air where the apes were and when he picked it up all his wounds were healed. "Whats going on!?" he thinks.
After awhile he joins up with his friends and online friends (they are named to my own design). And decide to go through the teleporter to track down the one behind this whole mess in their world. When they teleport away the boy wakes up to find himself in a ruin, seperated from his friends. He explores it and solves the puzzle within to recieve the power of the 1st phase of Morganna, Skeith the terror of death (you know I was going there) and is told when he finds the other 7 phases the balance between his world and the other will be restored by a mysterious voice from the light.
The boy then wakes up and finds himself inside the temple, with his friends, turned into a dragon, within Spyro's world. And thats all I will put down for now since I want everybody to truly enjoy the storyline. I only revealed a fraction of what I'm trying to do and don't forget I the character's personality's is what truly drives a good story.
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