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sybillium1 Blog

Got Modern Warfare 2 ^_^

Well i got the Modern Warfare 2 game a day early :Palthough from what i heard i could have gotten it 3 days earlier but hey at least I got it. Right now I have to install some system update so that's why I'm busy writing this blog instead of spending every waking moment with the game right now. In other news I also got Demon Souls. I wasn't originally going to buy this because of the difficulty and price but I was in gamestop the other day trying to kill some time and I saw that someone returned Demon Souls the deluxe edition. It even still had the strategy guide and hard cover with it. Even the guide wasn't damaged :o. And since I knew that the deluxe edition was already sold out everywhere I saw that it was a pretty good deal and bought it. And man is that game hard :shock:. So far I've only passed 1-1 and eventhat was a pain in the a$$. Oh it looks like I'm done downloading everything for MW2 so I got to go now :P

Its november :D

Well I had alot to say for this blog but everytime I get to sit at my computer I forget about everything I wanted to say. I know the main thing I wanted to get across was that its now my favorite month of the year next to october then december for 3 reasons in order from least to most important.

3. Games. Normally all of my must have games come out this month. Unfortunately I can't list which must haves I needin this month since I'm looking at the biggest, most anticipated game of my life Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Seriously I could write a whole blog about why this is game is the greatest game I'm looking forward to play. But yeah needless to say I can't think about any other games till this one is out then maybe I'll be able to think normal again.

2. Birthday's. Alot of my family members have a November birthday. my aunt, 2 really close cousins, and of course my sister's birthday :D. So its like a family party every weekend which is nice. So much food and cake and leftover cake to take home to eatwhen you're not toobusy eating the cake leftover from the other party.

1. And the most important day of the month my birthday :D Although nowadays it seems I get the cold shoulder every since she was born (with the exception of my 21st birthday). But I don't mind since I'm at the age where I don't really need gifts anymore just as long as I'm having fun and enjoying myself at the party. and I now I get to piggyback off my sister's parties since she was born so close to mine. Her birthday's the 19th and mines the 21st.

This week on south park

I just watched the latest episode of South Park where it dealt with their personal view on Japanese whaling. To sum it up it was making fun of the show Whale Wars because the show really doesn't do anything to stop the Japanese from hunting whales. WhenI first saw the promo of the show (Whale Wars)I at least thought that the people in the show were doing a good cause. Of course I never see an episode of ituntil south park "informed" me of what was really going on. So I did my best to research the matter to find out what Whale Wars was really about.

Instead of trying to educate the Japanese government or setting a lower quota or even enforcing some sort of law of where they can and can't fish. These guys on the ship are just terrorizing the Japanese ships. Once the captain catches up to a japanese ship he is just aggressively trying to force his ideals on them by throwing some stink bombs on the ships. Yeah that's a good way to stop whaling. What irks me even more is when after several warnings by the japanese to tell them to stop the japanese eventually take matters into their own hands and start throwing stun/flash grenades onto the american's ship and they start to get all dramatic saying the japanese are attacking them. Boo hoo. You picked a fight with them you gave up your right to complain about a retaliation.

There are other ways to deal with this problem but becoming terrorists is not the way to do things. The japanese have been killing whales because its part of their culture and lifestyle. You can't just take that away overnight. That's like trying to take away chicken and cows as a food source away from america. It's just not going to happen. I don't expect many people to agree with me since apparently this is a very touching subject but I just want people to come to their senses, see both sides of the debate, and stop trying to use force to get what you want. There are way bigger problems to deal with than trying to stop the japanese killing some whales.

Well that's my rant for the month

Beat Borderlands!! :D

Well just bought this game last friday since I didn't get into Uncharted 2'sMP as much as I thought I would and I need to kill some time till MW2 (TWO MORE WEEKS :D. Anyways I played all through the weekend with my cousin in splitscreen and while we didn't beat the game together we managed to get close and I just managed to finish up my first playthrough in the past couple of hours. And I managed to get80% of the trophies in my firstrun,though some seem to be glitched for whatever reasonand I can't get them. Hopefully ifI start a new game I can manage to get those ones andadd another platinum to my collection.:D

Too much House

Well these past couple of days I've finally opened up my seasons 1-3 of House. And now I just can't get enough of it. Every waking moment I just need to keep watching and I just had a dream about House. Though it was more of a cameo in my dream than it being about House. And don't ask me what my dream was about because it was pretty trippy.

Anyways on to other things. I've order a Hava which now allows me to record in HD since I just can't record on my dazzle anymore because of the quality of SD. After playing in HD so long it has become a burden to play in SD. But when I opened up my Hava hooked up everything there were a few problems but after a quick update I managed to get it to work properly, I hope. So now I'm probably going to start updating my youtube page with more vids but I just know what. Maybe CoD4/MW2 matches or just do some more playthroughs or probably both. So uhh yeah that's it for now.

Why youtube...

Well its just a short rant for today but if you haven't noticed that for the last several months, probably even going back to a year, the youtube channels have been changed to a new look. Personally I've never liked the way they looked and about two days ago they finally sent me an e-mail basically saying "Hey we've noticed you haven't upgraded to the new redesigned look so we have taken the time and effort to update it for. Make sure you check it out and see that everything fits the way you want it." I was hoping to keep my old channel the way it looked but no I guess I have to settle with the new look.

Really my only complaint is that if you go on someone's channel click on one of their vids and if you wanted to comment on it or even view the comments you'd have to make an extra click on the vid to open it up in a new window or tab to show the comments. How hard is it to just add the comments right below the vid in channel?

but anyways here's my channel if anyone wants to see it. I have a Wild Arms 3 complete playthrough (the only one on youtube, or at least it was when I uploaded it), a failed Ar Tonelico playthrough (because apparently the ps3 decides that this game shouldn't be bc), a cod 4 montage with Rusk by BECR, few gamebattles matches of Cod 5 and perhaps the most hilarious of my vids a ninja defusing on cod 4 with players reactions.


I just beat Uncharted 2 on crushing mode in the last hour or so and gained the platinum for the game :D. I could never beat the first Uncharted on crushing. I'm not sure if it was harder or I just gotten better as gamer. Maybe I should go rent it and add another platinum to my trophy case and perhaps past Natalie in the trophy level or at least tie it up since she has 8 platinums and I only have 7.I just hope she doesn't try to platinum this game cause I'm pretty sure she can do it once she gets hold of the game.

But for now I'm going to enjoy the MP part of this game now till MW2 comes out that is.

Big update to profile

So I added a bunch of games to my collection mostly 90% of it is from kairikh :P

Since I started posting blogs I was going to keep track of all new games I got but then I remember i could see other members profile and see their collection so I added them that way since I was to lazy to go out and search for the games one by one.

And another sad note my iPod nano just died today at 8:17 a.m. PST :cry:. I've done everything in my power to revive it by pushing the menu and middle button to reset the settings and trying to plug it in and have the computer install an update to it. However, my computer doesn't recognize the iPod so I can't even access it that way. Since I already told myself that I can't buy anymore extra entertainment now I'll have to make my psp my temporary mp3 player till i get a new one. My birthday is coming up soon...:D


So its starting to get to be that time of the month where all the big name games are coming up. And I'm already broke... how that happen? The last game I bought was dead space: extraction for the wii and NBA2k10 and that's only $110. Also on the psp front Prinny: Can I really be the hero dood, Persona, Disgaea 2, and obscure. Oh.

And normally I'm not a big sports fan though I do tend to buy one every other year and often tends to be another kind of sport game. Like the last one was hockey and before that was NFL. Seriously it must be my family members since they always watching games and I really only pay attention when the playoffs happen and my team happens to be in there.

So yeah the Lakers are my team and they won the 2009 championship. GO LAKERS!! And I had this huge urge to play an NBA game last year when they were making their run in the playoff series but I really didn't want play the old 2002 game on my gamecube. So it was really an update to that game and plus kobe is on the cover the greatest basketball player that ever lived so how could i resist.

But yeah this coming week Uncharted 2 comes out and hopefully that'll be the last game I'll buy till MW2 comes out. I don't think I can afford anything else especially if I want to get an HD PVR.

And one last thing I've been thinking about doing reviews for some of the recent games I played like dead space and obscure. I've also wanted to make a video review and put it on my youtube site but I would have to replay and record some gameplay footage in order to do that and plus it would take much longer than to just write it down but maybe down the line when i get my HD PVR I'll consider doing it.

such a pain in the...

Well I just uploaded my "banner" and profile pic to this page. I really couldn't decide what pic I wanted if any then I was reminded of the pic of yachiru?(don't remember if that was her name. the pink haired girl from bleach. The little girl child that's always on Kenpachi's back) anyways I was searching through my pics on the computer seeing if i had it but I guess i didn't so I kept searching for something else then I found this fan art pic (at least I think it was a fan art pic) of konata playing a video game in her pajamas. so I started to resize the image but I forgot I save it as a different file so now I have a warped image of that on my computer.

For some reason I just decided to give up on that idea since the image was already looking to small anyways and went with a trigun pic. And that was a pain to resize, tho this time I remembered to save it as a different file so I still have the original :D. So yeah I just needed to left a little steam about the whole upload limit for gamespot.

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