syfaizahmed's forum posts
i am thinking about buying a 360 but i am waiting till ms fixes the problem with current 360s. so i was just wondering do elites overheat?and do u think i should buy one now or should i wait?
thx for the help
Samsung SlimFit 27" Widescreen Flat-Tube HDTV
Model: T
i dont want to spend more than $600 and this seems to be a preety good tv for the value
This is my PC/PS3/current setup:
Shot at 2007-07-18I have a ton of anime/gundam + another semi-setup, but it's too messy right now. I'll be putting an Xbox 360 there.
Hey can u tell me what kind of monitor that is... i just got my ps3 and i need a new tv or monitor
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