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syler4815162342 Blog

Happy New Persian Year, DA2 impression

Hi everybody :)

Sorry for missing your blogs i was busy with new year party...

Persian new year is so old indeed its called Nowruz means new light, it's from Mithra and Zoroastrians religion 8,000 years ago people celebrated it, after thousand years the history became legend, legend became myth!

The age of kings had come, 2,500 years a go a wise Persian king Jamshid, liked it and he ordered to celebrate it every each year on April 1, it was first base on Bacchus but after other invasion in iran specially Arabic attacked they've changed it to vinegar many have tried to replace Nowruz to another celebration but none of them could do that because it's in prison people blood...after 8,000 years still all the Persians from all over the world celebrate it with their own ways...

new year new year

new year

2010 was a good year for me, i passed my exams successfully, i studied lots of 3ds max courses and i increased my skills a lot, it was a good year for me.

my resolution is :

1-finishing all of my 3ds max courses and other courses this year.

2-make Black Hole video game with 50 minutes cut scenes, like star craft 2!

3-start my Internet business, i want to make a website and sell my works there and do exclusive works, sell my games...who knows maybe i sell a lot there like angry birds!

4-try to overcome to my fears and start a relationships with a girl, find a girlfriend....:P

these are my goals for this year :)

Dragon Age 2 Impression:

so I've bought Dragon Age 2 but the disk isn't worked properly i need to exchange it, but i could play 3 hours of it!
first of all the graphic have improved a lot way lot better! and the game-play was much much faster! it's little weird too, the good thing is that this time the game has better physics, they collide to each other i mean in DAO when the enemy A.I. attacked you whether you are close or not it would do damage and decrees your health but in DA2 you can handed over and they will miss also the character animation movement have been improved a lot too for example hawk sis walks, a females but hawk walks runs like males...while in DAO the movement animations where same...and the voice acting is very great too i don't know why GS gave it 8!

so that's it for today i will go and write new post for union too, BTW I've watched lord of the rings movie all 3 and it was amazing i can't believe it's for 2002! the animations are incredible indeed! anyway thanks for reading guys :)


My 2 years GS Anniversary, Come DL my Game and see your pic there!

Hi everybody :) So it's my second GS anniversary, like last year i've made something cool to thank you all for beeing such a good friends to me, I've made a video game this time!


click the imgae for downloading it don't worry it's just 16mb :P

with W,S,D,A you can walk, with mouse you can rotate, with left mouse button it shows the main menu,it's a web player version so that everyone can play it, PC, Mac...

for playing it first you need to connect to the Internet then run the webplayer with FireFox or Safari or Internet Explorer...and if you have fast Internet the game will show up just for couple of seconds if not it will take time to load the game....

let me know what do you guys think, i think the graphic is good :D and sorry if i missed some of you...

Game Spot is very good web site, it's very friendly place, I've met so much great people here, i learned a lot, my English improved a lot thanks to you guys.

Thanks guys for tracking me, commenting to my blogs...reading my boring blogs :P

I want to solace to Japanese people who have lost their families, their home during this earthquake and tsunami...i watch NHK Chanel everyday i know their culture....they didn't deserve this....i also heard two of the Russia nuclear plans have been blow up before that tsunami it's little suspicion!

So Persian New year is coming next week and also my B-Day :D BTW they still didn't release DA2 here :cry: i can't wait for that...

I'm going to make a Tank game soon don't forget to dl it :D

Thanks for reading :)


The 3D reasons which explain why PS3 can have better quality games

Hi everybody :) how is everyone doing? The Persian New Year is near (April 1) also my B-Day, i can't wait to spend my free time playing Gears 3 and DA2....on April....:P

So I'm currently spending my time on learning 3D studio max and Unity3D game that i make a real video game!

I've found something in game designing the biggest limitation for making high quality games, and it's the SIZE of the game.


let me explain more, since PS3 has Blu-Ray Disk which it has 25GB per layer (i guess it has 3 layers or 2), they can use better quality textures and more polygons for their game objects,

i don't want to talk about the programing or other stuff...but for Xbox360 they only have 9GB size or at most 4 disk! which it's very rare to use 4 disk for a xbox360 game so they should be careful about using how many polygons to use for the game objects or how much quality use for the texturing..the resolution...

of course the game engine is important too specially the lighting system, how to set the shadows, reflections...if they put the quality higher they need more are some examples which I've done with my 3d programs...


this is Marcus 3D model which I've downloaded from Epic game website it has 7,017 faces ready for importing to a game engine 3D Designer using a meted called normal bump map to have better quality,

they make a high res model and a low res model of the target model, then they take a normal bump map from that high res model and put it on the low res and the result will be like these pictures:

normal bum map

and here that model with normal bump map

normal bum map

the polygons are same but look how it looks like! it has much better quality! but as you can see still it's not that great also it needs better textures but for better quality they take more size...

so imagine a big map a big game like fallout3, New Vegas or GTA4 it's very hard to manage that all models all of them only on one DVD!!!!! in my opinion making games for Xbox360 is more challenging than PS3 because you have to always be careful about the size of the game! putting a game like New Vegas in one DVD is very hard indeed rather than a Blu-Ray 50GB size!

here are another example pics:


I've imported my HD car model on my Game Engine in a tutorial racing game see my car looks pretty good without any materials but look how many faces it has! 420,000!! it will add lots of size to the game indeed.


with a good texturing you can prevent the low polygons at least, there are so many plug-ins which can help a lot though.

the point of this blog was to inform you guys,gals to know don't think Xbox360 can't run a game with Killzone 3 quality but it will at least need 8,10 DVDs for that :lol: it all depends on that Game Engine too,

and also making multiplatform games are more challenging cause they need to be very accurate to fit the game at most on 3 DVD 9!


Thanks for reading :)


Mr.3D, What TV show are you watching?

Hi everybody How is everyone?

sorry for not blogging for a while...i wasn't in good mode for blogging...So What am i doing these days?

I'm busy to make 3D models for several friendly Indie Game Studios for free! I've made Snake!, Hand for a FPS game, Desk, Submarine, it's fun i like to do these random stuff...i also working on Black Hole Episode 2 specially for the Story, i don't want to make it yet cause i like to learn more about V-Ray and Particle Systems...for better result :)

I'm playing New Vegas and Lord of Shadow both are awesome games indeed, can't wait for Crysis2 and Gears 3, DA2, ME3.... :D

Things are messy here, a revolution has been started to all over of Middle East the source of all is from Persia...don't know what will happen lots of people have been killed...

TV Show:

I've missed My Favorite TV Show of all the time LOST so i started to play its game again, i have to admit Via Domus is the best TV Show to Game if you ask me i like it so much :D

So I saw Spartacus season 2 trailer man it was amazing i jump several times! lol it must be so awesome this time the story is about Kratuse how he became champion...:D if they make its game that would be so so awesome


Shameless isn't my type of TV Show but still i like it....


Dexter is awesome i like it so much

Sorry for this short blog and sorry if i didn't add any pic they've taken down the internet speed, filtered most of the social networks...BTW I've made that Game for my GS anniversary I'm working on its texturing... will upload it for march 17...

Thanks for reading


My First Multiplayer experience,Business,GS Video Game Anniversary!

Hi everybody How is everyone? :)

I'm enjoying my free time lol, waiting for DA2 and Gears 3, ME3, Arkham City...:D..

So my friend bought a xbox360 (Ramtin_LA), i called him to come to my place to play Gears together :P, it was a great experience, we played Story mode of Gears 2, Lost Planet 2, Splinter Cell Conviction,... from 1 PM to 8PM it was awesome indeed.

Gears 2 was awesome but it wasn't that enjoyable like Splinter Cell because we didn't work together so much.

Splinter Cell has amazing split Screen indeed, the way you should work with your partner, save him.... was awesome.

solinter cell

Lost Planet 2 was great too because there ware, big robots in the game which you could ride :P

We tried other games like Teken too which i didn't like that so much.

I tried DS2 but it only work with live :cry:

We gonna play split screen every weekend, this time we play Kane & Lynch 2, Nazi Zombies, Army of Two, Halo Reach but first Splinter Sell :D

Unfortunately my Internet speed isn't that good to play live games :?

So I'm gonna start an Internet Business, I'm gonna make 3D models, texture them...sell them with good price, i already got 10 requests for some video game projects for making them 3D models at Unity since i don't have credit Card yet i do those for free :P if you guys need 3D models just let me know :)

GS Video Game Anniversary!!!! Yes lol for my GS Anniversary I'm gonna make a Video Game add your pictures there, you will play as Master will be so awesome :D for March 17 so don't forget to check it out, I'll make a good animation for it soon :D

I'm playing Lord of Shadow, New Vegas, Tron, Fable 3 ATM

Thanks for Reading


Finished Dead Space2, Finished my Exams, Finished My 3D Project...

Hi everybody? :D

how is everyone? I'm so so so happy right now cause I've finished those damn exams now i have some free time for my self.

so after seeing Dead Space 2 on my local store, i immediately bought it, took me two days to finish it on zealot difficulty, it was i mean really awesome, i ultra highly recommend this game to all of the horror fans, it was a blast indeed, I'll review it soon, but for now here is my Dead Space 2 Impression:

dead space 2

The start of game was like a movie very great directing,

This time issac talks, he has more roll in the game,

Story was pretty great about his dead wife,

dead space 2

The graphic is very great, the new suit designs is awesome,

dead space 2

The game play has improved specially the physics,

New characters are awesome i love ely :D specially her voice,

Amazing audio very creepy, makes the game very scary,

I once screamed lol if you played Dead Space you know the elevators are mostly the safe places in the game but this time even the elevators ain't safe!!! i really didn't expect to been attack at elevator!

I've expected to see more creativity in game play and more new guns, enemies but there were just 2, 3 new guns, enemies...those little boys monsters were very annoying lol

dead space 2

Something really cool about Dead Space 2 is it gets more interesting when you continue the game for example chapter 10 was awesome you go back to that space station again (ishomira)!!!! it was really creepy brings bad memories lol.

It has good text, recodring, videos from those dead people.

The way he can fly on zero gravity was very great BTW,

After chapter 8 the game gets really hard, but there were enough ammo in the game to handle them, i used only my cuter lasre and a new gun which is like shotgun/sniper.

I fear one thing in Dead Space those enemies which never die, (heal themselves) which you will meet one of them at chapter 15 you must run from it among other monsters!!! so so stressful moment indeed.

But if you ask me the Ishomira was more scary place because you feel really alone there but this time you are in a city and you tell you self okay this is a big city there must be others here and it gives you more hope while in Ishomira there was no one there,

dead space 2

Dead Space 2 was more predictable than Dead Space 1, for example i knew something will come to face when i go near to that window lol, they didn't add new ways to surprise you, but only on two place i really pissed my self was that elevator moment, i was happy cause i killed so many of those thing and heading to elevator my safe place when suddenly i saw some thing is coming to my face lol!!! or another moment it comes at top of the elevator!!!! on that tiny area!

dead space 2

Dead Space 2 has so great finishing moment, so gory indeed,

Everything was perfect it wasn't boring for me just from chapter 2 to 4 it was little boring, the graphic, story, game play, audio...all of them where perfect.

As you can see i gave it 10/10 because it really deserve it, the best horror game ever definitely check it out guys, it was a great sequel indeed :D

dead space 2

*ahem* i like to share my best 3D model so far with you guys :D i did this for that Animating Schoole project

car ford

car ford

Thanks for reading :D now it's time to play another game :P


I'm gonna make an Adventure game soon!

Hi everybody :) how is everyone?

I'm good, happy because i finally found my way, i have prepared everything for making a real video game, i just need time to make a reall game woohoo! BTW I've made another test game you can check it out here

See this time I've added grenade, A.I, Music, Health System..:P

so this game which I'm going to make is something like Portal, it will have cut scenes (like StarCraft 2!! lol) and exciting gameplay with lots of puzzles and i will finish it for April (i hope so) and the good part is that it's FREE :P

let me talk about its story a little:

you are an archaeologist who have found an uncharted Persian monument (Cage) on Mazandaran's jungle, you go there, start to search there you find an ancient thing, looks like a weapon when you touch it, suddenly the walls collapse and the exit way is closed, then you understand the power of this ancient weapon (which it can remove an object and place it to your desire area with other powers which i need to think about that lol) then, you use this to find a way out but you ain't alone there, there are others....

not that epic but the goal is just practicing, and preparing for my most important projects Black Hole and Rostam :P

I don't have much to say, I'm playing New Vegas only and preparing for my last exam which is next week, and try to post cool post on 3D Design Union. BTW I can't wait for Dead Space 2 it must be so scary :D

Thanks for Reading


Woohoo My First Video Game come and download it,Union,update...

Hi everybody :)

1-My First Video Game

First of all thanks for reading my last blog :D now I've made my first video game, it doesn't have's just a forest which you can walk there forever :P i just wanted to test the Unity Game Engine here you can download it, don't worry it's free :P

My First Video Game link for Download

You just need to run the Forest.exe

lol what do you think guys?

Here are my Future Game Projects:

1-An Arcade Racing Game like Split/Second

2-A Zombie GTA Game like RDR undead Nightmare

3-Rostam (from Shahnameh) it's like Gears of War and Warcraft 3 one of my most important game Project

4-A detective Video Game something like Heavy Rain, Alan Wake, Fahrenheit. L.A noier :P

5-Black Hole MY BEST and Important Video Game Project ever and it will be so awesome like Uncharted 3 :lol: I'm mean its value is like Uncharted 3 for me, I'm gonna put so many efforts on this game it will have more than 150 minutes animations :D


3d design union

Okay I also made an Union: 3D Design Union, i will be so please if i see more members there :) we currently have 23 members, so if you like to create games like that come there to learn how to make your own video game :)


Not much to tell I'm middle of my exams, just playing little Lord of Shadow and New Vegas, i also watching Breaking Bad and New Season of Merlin and Walking Dead :D

Thanks for reading everybody, Good Gaming


My First Exam, some random pic of me, 3D Design Union will up next week

Hi there my fellow Gamespotters :)

Today i gave my first exam which it went well :D there was snowing a lot so immediately took some pics to share with you guys :)


My phone isn't that great sorry for the quality, it was so freezing


lol my college is on mountains


I need to go up all this way at least it's good for my health!


It looks like a military base rather than an collage lol

Now it's me cleaning my phone and drying it lol


I was extremely tired, BTW I'm 20 years old :P

So in other news, I've got my full version Unity Game Engine with its all tutorials, right now I'm making an arcade racing game and i will finish it next month at most so be ready to download it and play it :D

and The 3D Design Union will be up and run at most for next week, we gonna introduce some cool programs and how to use them and discuss them together share our knowledge's like After Effect CS5, Photo Shop, 3Ds Max, Max Script, C++, Maya, upload my Black Hole Episodes :P animations....

But my main goal is to teach and learn share our knowledge to learn how to create our own video games with only Unity Game Engine which it's free for download and so strong!

I'll try talk as simple as i can (easy) so if you interested please tell me in the comment which i send you guys invitations :)

Thanks for reading


Woohooo I've got my fast internet and lets party my 100th blog (Quick Blog)

Hi everybody :oops:

And it's fast, I'm so so so so happy right now :D, now i can be 100% active here! :P sorry for missing some of your blogs, i have so many plans in my head.....don't know with which one start! i need sometime to think!

I will start my Union it will be about Game Desginign....

I will upload more vids

I will read all of your blogs

I will upload more pics

I will write more blogs....:P

I already downloaded 2 vids in this 30 minutes!

I want to thank all of you for being so good friends with me, commenting, reading my blogs, i love you all here my 100th celebration animation :P


Staty tuned for some awesome vis and blogs....

Thanks everybody
