I like to share this amazing game that I was 12 years old played it and yea people graphic is not really everything how many od you guys saw games like this in our current generation? unfortunately most of the developers focusing on Graphic instead of story! I only see David Cage works close to my favorite games
Yea it's Average HD System for next gen but surly you guys don't really get it! we had this system on PC and they really don't make any big changes to the video games and quality unless Developers make new Game Engines!! Only with Integration of New software that use the power of new hardware we can see drop jawing graphics and more...Hardware itself really don't show any good Unless they make Game Engines like Unreal Engine 4 new Fox Engine....Developers now should really focus on making special Game Engines that really works with New Consoles hardware, and use their power efficiently! If you Play Crysis 2 with new Consoles you only see better Anti Aliasing! but when Crytek make Cry Engine 4 , next Crysis will be drop jawing ;)
Well Playing Angry Bird does not make you a Gamer which I think most of the half Industry (girls) only play this kind of games! maybe Women are not really Smart as Men in this Industry, I barley saw a real Hardcore gamer for example playing CoD, Halo be a women,...I barely saw a Women Expert on CG Industry this is rare!...maybe they are not suitable for Digital jobs!!
@AcidThunder @kazzy_56_57 @syler4815162342 That's a Dirty move If it is true, but they are not getting their tech form AMD lol they are seeing their strategy and getting a better one! nonetheless IT was a bad move
@darkmatt2009 @syler4815162342 Agreed Nvidia Is expensive, but we could experience better gaming if that happened...Now They are using they 6XX series GPU on their own consoles...with kinda same price for next gen 400$ to 500$...
Haha Nvidia is washing all of them away! I like to see what will happen, they should have taken Nvidia on their side for next gen! now they are paying the price!
syler4815162342's comments