Amazing Studio! yea the video has some problems, Motion Capture makes the job easier for Animator indeed make the game super realistic! and the real Tomb Raider actor is HOT!
Even with next gen Hardware they can't go so far with graphic cause things I've heard and saw they are using cheap hardware that costs around $500.. so they can not offer so much powerful technology for Consoles only PC can satisfiable!
@azumabob I didn't play Demon Souls by my self but i heard it's so hard and you must die several times at least in General video games are suffering from good A.I they more focused on Graphics only! and Graphic is not everything! i see lots of games with amazing graphics but i didn't see or hear about a game that amaze people with their A.I!
Don't you think it's better to make better A.I. in video games make them more smart and realistic like The Last of Us rather than makeing the player dies several times! like Demon Souls!?
@SpiritWarStudio LMAO!! i don't care about the market to be honest without NVIDIA Technology we are lost for Real Time Rendering and future of Video Games just do a research about it outside of gaming only! see how their technology helps to create better Games, Better Models, I am a Digital Artist and i saw the differences for example Mari is a real time texturing Software that they used on AVATAR movie and Mari only works with Nvidia Graphic Card.
syler4815162342's comments