So i am alive just came out on steam and i have kind of been waiting for it for a while. But before I go ahead and purchase it, I just want to know if it is worth it. I mean, does it have a good replay value, etc etc. And if any you guys have played it, I'd also love to hear your opinion. Ok thanks bye bye
syst3m0v3rl04d's forum posts
1. Download one game at a time, it will go faster overall (from my experience)
2. Change your download location under settings or options in steam (I am in Canada but sometimes I change my download location when it slows down, has helped numerous times. Last was during the steam sale when I think the Vancouver and Seattle ones where getting hit hard)
3. I could be wrong but it could also be that alot of people are using the internet atm from your internet provider and its slightly slower then usual (I have seen this during peak hours, usually I get 2-3MB download but during peak hours it can go as low as 800k)
4. Try turning your modem/Router off for 10 seconds and turning it back on
Just some ideas!
should i change my location based on this website?
i live in california, but i am using new zealand xfire since before i started the download
Hi guys. I'm currently downloading two games on steam (lead and gold and frozen synapse), hoping to enjoy them once the download is finished. My internet speed is by no means fast. In fact it is dead slow but I am willing to live with it (840 kb/s). However, the rate at which I'm downloading Lead and Gold is fluctuating when frozen synapse is at a constant 400kb/s. Lead and Gold is going anywhere from 100 kb/s to 0 bytes! And before, both the games were around 750 kb/s per second! What's happening? Is there a way I can fix this or is it a live with it kind of thing. And no one is using my internet at the moment. Thanks!
Mount and Blade: Warband is the best action RPG I've played. It's one of the few games that actually has a good melee combat system. Forget about that crappy "hit X for light attack, Y for strong attack, and B to counter" combat. In this you actually get to control the directions of your swings and blocks. Awesome singleplayer and multiplayer game - one of the best.KHAndAnime
yeah, i'd definately recommend mount and blade
omfg did the EXACT same thing!!! Regret it soooo muchI bought Dragon Age: Origins when it was on sale for 5 bucks. I didn't think much of the game because everyone said it was boring.
I really like the game though and I can't get enough of it. Now I'm really regretting not paying 2.50 more to get the ultimate edition with the expansion pack and numerous DLC's. Seriously, what a retarded move by me. I wish they sold that pack just for 2.50 and I would buy it right away.
Ugh regretting it so much right now. IT'S A GREAAT GAME!
ewww just build your own PC. Don't be a little kid with your pre builts YoshiYogurtMy cousin doesn't want it built. Shame on him :\
Can you guys customize a decent computer that can game well (Skyrim or Battlefield 3 on medium/high)?
Here's the link:|84|56671|28162&N=4047239&Sp=C&No=0&Nr=P_CatalogName:BC&cat=28162&Ns=P_Price|1||P_SignDesc1&Mo=1&hierPath=84*56671*28162
Some requirements are:
6gb ram+
3.2 GHz+ processor
A good graphics card
microsoft starter kit
thanks and please just put the link of the computer you customize when you're done. Thanks again!
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