So Steam summer sale is coming to an end. There have been amazing steals. So what do you guys think are the biggest gems? Here are mine:
GTA IV:75% off from 19.99 to 4.99. A must buy for me and a great deal for a great game.
TES: Skyrim:At one point, it was 50% off from 59.99 to 29.99. Another must buy. And i already owned Skyrim for the ps3, but i got it on the pc for the mods. It was worth it!
Bioshock Franchise:75% off from 39.98 to 9.98. Another great deal but unfortunately, i had previously bought both of them a while back :(
Assassin's Creed Franchise:7 AC games for $40!?!?!? Oh hell yeah!
All the Collections:Varying from 50% to 88% off and going down to $49.99. Pick one or multiple collections and BUY BUY BUY!
Are there anymore I missed? Please tell me. I would love to hear your opinion!
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