I'm really not fat or anything, but I'm starting to feel that way after reading this. I'm 5'7, and weigh at about 198-200 lbs. I'm not exactly skinny though either.
t1striker's forum posts
I've enjoyed it quite a lot, and I just can't wait for act 2 after the twist in the ending, but I do wish the Puzzles were quite a bit harder. It really is a bit too easy.
Oh man you know what I didn't wait for the credits to end. I need to go see if my name is on there. I was a bit of a late backer though(late November, Early December) so it might not be on there.
Wow that is an absolutely horrible list, and not even a mention of Planescape, or the Witcher. and what is this Skyrim has the best story in gaming, if this were the case I'd have to agree with people that gaming is no good for any story what so ever, that game had a mediocre story with a mediocre plot(the lore is pretty good though).
PS: I like Skyrim, but definitely not for the story.
Man what a terrible list.
I don't believe there is one game that effected the entire gaming industry as a whole, but there are many games that effect a whole genre. I mean if COD effected RPG's in any way than it would be an extreme disaster(DA2 anyone). Gears of War made a huge impact within Shooters as a whole, but in no way did it effect MMO's, Strategy games, Rpg's, etc.
PS: If anything WOW, and COD4 effected gaming for the worse, at least in my opinion.
Every Final Fantasy I've played has good music, especially FFIV-FFX, but I really think FFX takes the cake. While I think FFXIII, and FFXII have some pretty good music it just lost some spark in it all. It just hasn't been as good.
I'am interested to see how many of you Gamespot gamers out there, actually have their own game of the year which isn't Grand Theft Auto V, The Last Of Us, Bioshock infinite, Assassins Creed 4, Zelda, Mario, Tomb Raider or Battlefield 4?
How many of you actually invest time into games, that aren't heavily praised and populated by the media or paid companies such as said forum. How many of you would honest heartily nominate games like Nino no kuni: Wrath of the white witch, Ys: memories of Celceta, Killer is dead, Remember me, Disgea d2, Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons, Time and eternity, shin meganu tensai devil summoner soul hackers or The guided fate paradox as your game of the year?
Now fair enough I can understand alot of people are probably not interested in a few of those games mentioned, or they probably didn't like them. But what did you play last year that went under the mass media radar? and did you enjoy it enough to award it Game of the year? I'am interested to know your thoughts, because quite frankly I'am sick of seeing posts everywhere about GTA and TLOU winning every award known to mankind. Thank you
I've mostly been catching up my backlog, but I have played The Last of Us, Grand Theft Auto V(never finished it), Tomb Raider, Ni No Kuni, Super Mario 3D World, Metal Gear Rising, Zelda Link Between Worlds(on my friends 3ds(don't own one, but want one(wanting to play Fire Emblem pretty bad))), and more, and out of these I thought the best was with Zelda, but GTAV was right behind it. Even so out of all the games I've played last year none could compare to Persona 4 Golden at least imo, but it wasn't released last year.
PS: I found TLoU good, but extremely overrated especially in story, gameplay was a bit weak as well.
Don't get me wrong I enjoyed The Last of Us for what it was(and it's excellent presentation values), but I've played so many better games with better stories, and rewarding this game more than any other game really just makes me a very saaaad panda(read that in south park sexual harassment panda voice). It just don't make sense to me, but the world really doesn't make sense most of the time when people are involved.
I don't think it necessarily makes you a bad person, but I wouldn't consider it a great trait to have. I don't hate gays in the least, but when I think about what they do I kinda want to puke. I say live and let live. Now if you go up to a gay guy, and talk a lot of crap, and/or physically hurt them in anyway that makes you a bad person, but if you believe that being gay is terrible, but you don't act out to try to hurt them I don't consider you a bad person.
As long as nobody is hurting someone, I really don't give a crap what someone thinks.
Somewhere between thick, and chubby. I've got a gut(not very big), and I've got muscles. A muscular guy that is a little bit chubby.
I play my PC games, and my console games on a 46" Samsung LCD(LED). I really don't want to go any bigger though.
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