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#1 tachikoma679
Member since 2010 • 81 Posts

I've a question:So there's a prescribed education campaign with the church, but it seems that there is still flexibility in the teachings. I still can't see this reason as a strong attractor to the faith - only as a strong technique for maintaining it. Is it the mechanised consumption of doctrine that establishes Mormonism as a preferable religion to other forms of Christianity for you? If so, isn't this like Islamic Madrasses?

the teachings and the lessons and the scriptures all make the most sense really the other extra scriptures we have had a complete picture where as if you take the bible alone it really appears to be lacking something does it not?. and personally i like the format of being able to speak up in sunday if you disagree with something so if your teacher maybe has it all backwards and you have a quote from the scriptures they perhaps missed it can be corrected and discussed. i think that format does perhaps attract some people but again i cant speak for everyone the attraction to the church is as stated again reading the book of mormon and praying about it unless you do that youll never quite get the attraction to it. and besides islam or at least its leaders of its countries hate america and israel im not all too family with the religion otherwise [QUOTE="RationalAtheist"]

Mormonism is quite American-focused as a faith, isn't it? But Mormonism is international too. Is it possible for Mormons in different countries to obey their countries different laws that conflict with each others? I'm not in the USA myself, so have a harder time than Americans conceiving of the particular visions that religion portrays. Does God really authorise war? Why be loyal to such a vengeful tyrant? And isn't the government corrupt only until a revelation to a minister that steers Mormonism back on a legal course.

the view on america is....its the choice land above all other lands...now moses lead his people to a choice land....but not a choice land above all other lands before you ask. we also hold the view america is special and divinely inspired and one of its greatest purposes was to in fact grant religious freedom so that God could restore his church and notice even with that mormons did got a death order from the US government....and remain to be the only church is USA history with that distinctive honor. why cant God authorize war? any passing study of our relgion seems to be clear if your wicked hes going to destroy you unless you repent. furthermore we actually have on scripture that says war is ok only if The LOrd authorizes it. hell the bible alone seems to be full of wicked folks getting destroyed so please dont discuss Christianity and somehow not think GOd wont authorize war that very notion is laughable. and please why exactly is the only corrupt after a revelation? LOL seriously anybody even a 4 year old can tell me politicians are lieing scum bags....honestly this is cherry picking a fairly obvious detail that government is corrupt really every government is and becoming more so by the second it seems. i dont live in chine or britian but i still know enough to know you have liars running the country. honestly man.....sorry no offense but this was a dumb question. but if you must know i'd have to guess it would be considered uncorrputed after it starts following the constitution again im not entirely sure nothing more is said on the matter other than the elders will save the country no how when or where. unless of course you dont think the governments are corrupt? and what do you suppose he does to the wicked unbeleivers that go around killing tons of folks? have us turn our cheek and take it so that the whole world is plunged into darkness?

Its quite interesting looking into the history of the scrolls. They do seem to contain the basis of your faith. How this message was presented to your founder and how he translated it should be a vital part in the reasoning behind a belief in Mormonism to me.

they might be vital and they are part of our scriptures that said i may of asked at some point where they came from and their history but i cant remeber and honestly it doesnt bug me and isnt something vital to my faith theres probably alot i dont know about the church but i do say i know a good bit but sorry i dont know everything about it. [QUOTE="RationalAtheist"]

If you look for anything hard enough - you may think you've found it. Personal testimony is really all we have subjectively, but and objective sense of reason should apply critical thinking to such ideas for me, as I explained earlier. The tie in between the priesthood, revelations and proper Mormonism belies the original break Smith had with the church and its ministers to my mind. It rather neatly also means only authorised Mormons can have revelations (rather like the old ideas of Catholic priesthoods) that raised them above the common faithful.

yes personal testimony is subjective and i am all for objective reasoning. but to understand why i chose LDS over other churches is almost impossilbe without reading the book of mormon and praying about it. it really is as its the prayer and confirmation you get that makes you understand it. its that simple unless you do it you wont have that full grasp only a part of it which is like seeing half the tv screen your still missing half the show. that said why dont you read it and pray about it with and open heart and mind as ive suggested that is if you truely want to understand the LDS faith as you seem to be trying figure it all out with your barrage of questions. come on what do you have to lose exactly....not afraid you might actually find God are you now? yes as far as the head of the church only authorized mormons can get those revelations we call have receive personal ones. the original break was they didnt think young was the next prophet and perhaps other things but this was largely it they thought it should of been smiths son well ya that and polygamny but ive already explained that and so has android. and sure you may be able to have a revelation but it would contain to you and you only well and perhaps your family and friends. only the authorized heads of the church can receive guidances for the whole church. this authority of course comes soley from Christ. [QUOTE="RationalAtheist"]

The evidence you gained could be evaluated objectively. I think life is full of "wow" moments. These moments are not reserved for the faithful but are a only human responses to stimuli. Rational explanations of your experiences could be to do with the "proper" and intimidating circumstances in court-rooms and the latent heat coefficient of defrosting bread in ambient conditions.

ok how about the countless times its been used to heal someone? i can recall myself being healed instantly i can recall going from massive high fever to jumping straight up and down further more i was probably 7 at the time this happened? surely these arent all just random instant stimulation? or how about asking for a blessing on injured limbs that look broken yet end up being merely bruised and have a quick recovery? honestly i can find countless examples for you to try and disprove. never mind if i seek out stories that have been published about it and stop just talking about my own personal experiences. youd never be able to scratch them all and evne then your arguements for the current two arent very strong especially if you asks the people invovled and even looking objectively bread does not defrost from solid rock to ediable in 5 minutes it just doesnt. or while were trying to disprove it go google mormon patriachal blessing go have fun disproving those you honestly cant account for it. heck my own and im sure many others contain thoughts that were secret in our minds to us and us alone that got revealed easily...agian google that patriachal blessing and have fun disproving those. and the best lawyers in the area dont magically crack under pressure they simply dont. people dont get hands put on their head and get pronounced they are healed and walk around find moments later without divine help. its just not happening. but feel free to explain these miracles other ways if you really think you can cover an explanation for all miracles ever go for it as essentially if you doubt the priesthood you must be able to explain every miracle ever because they all stem from God would they not and that is his power the priesthood. so i ask if you dont take my read a book of mormon challenge what exactly are you gathering by asking questions?
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#2 tachikoma679
Member since 2010 • 81 Posts
[QUOTE="RationalAtheist"] Thanks for taking the time to answer so honestly.

chya [QUOTE="RationalAtheist"] Aside from the strict timetable, is there anything else? Don't pastors have any scope to talk around what is in lesson 12? Suppose the laws of the land change to conflict with the Mormon faith? Would that necessarily involve another revelation?

uhm i mean the church is set into 3 hours. sacrament/priesthood-relief society/sunday school. sacrament is bread and water and whoever the bishop picked to speak the first sunday is fast and testimony sunday so anybody can walk up to the microphone and speak for however long till the hour is up. the other two are lessons laid out by the head of the church that they have to kind of stick to. theres usually a lesson book they are teaching out of it and try and base it off of that dont its not entirely uncommon to get off on exploring what exactly something means but it is just simply based on that lesson its very much a open discussion but then again you might get a teacher that goes straight by the book you never really know. our beleif is the church should follow the laws of the land and we do in fact prop 8 was a weird thing because it was the first time the church spoke out politically. that said our prophecy for the end days is clear something to the effect of....and america wil fall from within and be hanging by a thread and at that moment the elders of the church will step in and save america. so im sure at some point we are going to start going against the laws of the land....but then again has the us government really been obeying the supreme law of the land the consitution lately? so would we really be violating that law by disobeying our corrupt government? even still God does on occassion authorize war. [QUOTE="RationalAtheist"] I thought some opinion within the church was that the gold plates had been purchased by Smith and/or bore no textual relation to the Book of Abraham. I thought a valid opinion was that the translation method was divine, rather than textual, which places no actual significance with the contents of the gold pages (believed by some to be an Egyptian book of the dead). It also gets Smith off the hook rather, over the "reformed Egyptian" translation. I was referring to textual criticism in its application to the understanding and meaning of religious texts.

im not sure on the whole history of those egpytian plates honestly. whether they were translated or not or bought or what im not sure. i have read them as they are part of our scriptures....they dontconflict with anything in the other scriptures though. how they came about ive never really looked much into myself. [QUOTE="RationalAtheist"] It seems like there's much personal experience, prayer, sacrament and faith involved there. Good luck on your impending missionary activities.

in reality which is what i was saying the only way to understand my knowledge of GOd truely is to seek him out the way i said too otherwise youll forever never completely get what im saying and testimonys like that i imagine lose a little bunch over the internet. [QUOTE="RationalAtheist"] I'll try not to cherry-pick or be a detail-freak. I can see your openness in your response. I hope we can have a meaningful discussion.

indeed [QUOTE="RationalAtheist"] The power of the priests, is rejected by Smith (so I understand from what you say) and placed in the hands of all believers, as in Protestantism. This rejection of church authority is a reason for some splits in the Mormon faith, since some sects have retained un-modified principles, or rejected Bingham. Why is human revelation more important than divinely inspired scripture?

but thats just it the broken sects dont follow the book of mormon nor do they follow Doctrine and covenants because they cant because by splitting with the new head of the church young they lost the priesthood which is essential to following the details of the scriptures so they cant follow them its impossible so in reality our current divine inspirations are still well in line with unmodified scripture. and yes we do place alot of it in the hands of its members however there is only one at a time who speaks for the whole of the church. human revelation was critical and still is because that is the means by which we are guided and maintain being the true church it is the means by which young was picked to succeed smith. human revelation can also be a little more specific for the current question at hand as well thats the point to constantly seek out and ask God and get to know him and seek his guidance in day to day issues otherwise u ahve to admit it would stink to get a giant book and say read this and see me in 80 years when u die divine scripture is also at its core human revelation nothing more than that so they are really the same thing in actuality. [QUOTE="RationalAtheist"] I could give countless examples of incidences like that one I had too. I recognise my own human failings that are an inability to evaluate probability and randomness properly, over-reliance on positive evidence, my bias to my own current mind-set, the social pressure to conform to a view, and the relative cognitive impact of the incident. I recognise the possibility of alternative more rational explanations as being just as valid for those experiences.

yes there can be alot of how did that happen experiences....however theres only so much of that i can leave to that and not call divine help too much is circumstancely too much is miracle like and quite frankly ive got a load of those priesthood blessing working like magic stories over the years theres only so much i can call coincidence. again ive seen and been through entirely too much to ignore once again i am one of those souls walking this earth that indeed if i turned my back i meet said qualifications for outer darkness and i dont say that lightly either...you really got get knocked across to head to get into that category and have some wow moments. but again scriptures are full of folks with wow moments that still openly rebelled so they dont always do any good sadly. then i suppose ill ask you this those experiences if not divinely done then how did they occur?
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#3 tachikoma679
Member since 2010 • 81 Posts

[QUOTE="tachikoma679"]that said. i have no doubt someone else can pray about another religion earnestly and have that spirtual experience to them that claims it is true. however if you are going to claim their is a God then you must surely claim their is a devil and it would be foolish to suppose if you have the one true religion as mormons claim they are and i will carry that statement to my grave then why wouldnt Satan be pleased even if not completely but pleased with at least throwing someone off course even if of course is going to another christian church over the mormon one? i'd have to think he would be pleased with doing at least that where his influence can likely be higher at the other church over the true one.GabuEx

If there is no difference between their experience and your experience, then how exactly can you be confident that your revelation was from God and that theirs was from Satan?  I have had Christians who had no bones about telling me that what I believed to be a message from God was in fact from Satan, and of course the reason why they believed this was because the contents of this message were in conflict with what they believed.

well i would say you speak as if you have encountered satan? if so i would say you beleive in God because logic dictitates if Satan is real so is God all things must have their opposite. do tell me more i'd be curious to hear it. if we had the same experience we must come to same the conclusion. whether we chose to beleive it or not or how we act on it is up to us but the fact still remains for example. if we are both shown 2+2 = 4 so we both see it and reach the same conclusion and had the same experience and where shown by the same teacher we both possess the same facts of what just happened however i can go out and say the teacher lied and you can go out and tell the truth....however we both know the truth im just chosing to lie about it? see if we both experienced the same thing which in this case is what i experienced and ive come to conclusion God is real and the LDS church is his church we would both possess the knowledge that made me come to that conclusion....whether you chose to embrace and preach it or hide and ignore it is up to you.
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#4 tachikoma679
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i could say the same to you guys im tired of explaining to people why i am a mormon and i personally i find it absurd folks can go around and not beleive in God....see this works two ways TC
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#5 tachikoma679
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I don't see how it is... Supernatural revelation can contradict it because Heavenly Father revealed the Gospel to various societies according to His will, their readiness, and what they deserve.


Yes, but I'm talking about right now; there are people alive right now who have prayed and have received what they believe to be supernatural revelation that is in contradiction with what you believe. 

unless you want his answer only i answered this in my first post that said. i have no doubt someone else can pray about another religion earnestly and have that spirtual experience to them that claims it is true. however if you are going to claim their is a God then you must surely claim their is a devil and it would be foolish to suppose if you have the one true religion as mormons claim they are and i will carry that statement to my grave then why wouldnt Satan be pleased even if not completely but pleased with at least throwing someone off course even if of course is going to another christian church over the mormon one? i'd have to think he would be pleased with doing at least that where his influence can likely be higher at the other church over the true one. see so i have no doubt you can have a spiritual experience and i have no doubt Satan can mask himself to fool you into thinking ah i prayed about it but the mormons they arent correct. and i think this must be considered if you want to ask how another can claim they found the light and contradict our faith. i mean take the people who bombed us on 9-11 i'd have to think they have a spirtual awakening im going to die and get 70 virigins and say GOd said to do it clearly contradicting mormons so i'd have to beleive said spirtual experience is of the evil variety. that said and if you read the book of mormon at all there are countless times it says and Satan has great hold over their hearts and they were blind and couldnt see the truth. the bible says this too but not near as much i beleive i cant explain TC's view though which i agree seems contradictory.
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#6 tachikoma679
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ya its weird i saw a link to this is GS off topic not sure why i felt compelled to click on it and low and behold a saw a thread on my religion and had to post lol. sorry my quotes may be misquotes and may not be from the right person i didnt feel like editing this 400 times and i dont know the quote code off hand so i copy and pasted one quote and just used that over and over regardless of who said the actual question. im a little lazy yes but for some reason gamespot lacks the bold and italics options or do i need more posts to get them? so with that i was just trying to seperate questions regardless of who said so forgive me for misquotes. [QUOTE="RationalAtheist"]

I thought most Protestants were fairly tight on all of that stuff. How does the Mormon religion differ - in your eyes? Why pre-suppose (once again) what I know? Rationalism is only a method, so does not indicate levels of knowledge to me. I believe that knowledge itself is transient, so can not establish any position of knowledge on most anything, myself.

this i think the difference between mormon and prostetant is quite simple. in the mormon church say sunday school lesson here at my mormon church is lesson 12 in the book guess what? through out all the world in any mormon church youll hear lesson 12....any other religion and youll get whatever the pastor wants. there seems to be far more unity in the mormon church because of this and its a big difference in mormons vs all other relions and sticks more to the God is a God of order so it makes sense all his churches would have the same sunday lesson as far as the other mormon churches out there the FLDS and RLDS and whatever they stopped following the head of the church. after joseph smith died The Lord picked his new prophet brigam young the other sects disagree with this....following the other sects youll notices theyve mostly abandoned the original principles smith gave where as young stuck to them. they even cling to polygamny some of them do which is illegal and we in the mormon church beleive to follow the law of the land so again they arent mormon they are broken off versions of the church that dont even follow the church's teachings but sadly most seem to think they are the real mormons so alot of rumours spread from this. [QUOTE="RationalAtheist"]

I've a question:

My problem is with the Mormon ministerial "revelations" and the convenient times that they are revealed. Wasn't there one in 1978 that allowed black people to become Mormon ministers? Is there any use in applying any textual criticism to to the "revised Egyptian" texts used for the Book of Mormon?

not sure what criticism those egyptian texts offer on the book of mormon they seem to go hand and hand mostly or at least dont conflict with it. the black 1978 thing i answered my opinion on that in my other post....so not reposting it aside from that i havent a clue on why that was what the deal with it was jsut my opinion which i already posted you like me would have to google that perhaps the other guy knows

I've a question:

Why believe in Mormonism and not Catholicism, or Protestantism?

What is the intellectual reasoning?

why are smiths claims so beleivable you ask?....honestly its a little different for each person me personally i meet the qualifications if i ever turned on the church that i could land in outer darkness so i clearly will defend the church to my grave because i know beyond all doubt the church is true. call me a liar if you wish but i know beyond any doubt this is the restored church of olden times GOds church. that said....honestly the offer is given the challenge is given in the book of mormon...it says clearly towards the end of if that all those would read with real intent and sincere and broken heart and contrite spirit and pray to the Father in the name of the Son to ask whether this is true or not they will get there answer...honestly unless you do that youll never get your answer and will always wonder thats really the only way for you to find out say i parted the red seas....wow and cool right? guess what israel still after that wandered for 40 years in the wildnerness in unbeleif....which is why you need a witness from the Holy Ghost which is what you if you do what i just said to do. its also why denying the Holy Ghost lands you in hell but deny Christ does not. granted ive had a bit more than simply reading the book and receiving a witness that way to a point that i cant deny it. but that is teh gateway the doorway to knowing whether it is true or not...there is really no other way buy by prayer sincere honest prayer. this also largely explains convient revelation. because if u need help and your faithful guess what you get divine guidance which you often need when you in a tight spot theres no mystery or magic to it. of course why smith is so beleivable is why ive chosen to be a mormon. yes i was born into the church but when i was 18 or 19 i decided to reset on my life and stopped going to church for a while. a good few years really i eventually found my way back partly because well even then i knew beyond a doubt the church was in fact true. in fact im wrong record writing in my online journal from back then defending the church while not attending it. in fact they wanted to get my family to get a talk one time during those years because thats how we roll families give talks during sacrament not a pastor. they asked our family decided what the hell to see if i would do it. i went on record there claiming the church was true. so for me thats it ive prayed and seen divine guidances i know beyond all doubt its true. really unless you read a book of mormon and pray on the door to answer to this question will forever be shut to all who ask it. in fact one of the witnesses to the book of mormon being revealed got excommunicated for some reason or another but when asked to join one of the FLDS churches to lead it he said no you lost the priesthood your not the true church. and another running for a government position they brought up you used to be a member of the church and he even while excommunicated bore a testimony of the church being true....so ya know theres sometghing toe be said about people who have been thrown out but still carried that testimony with them. i mean im 25 and i decided to finnally go on a mission to become a missionary a tad bit late but just enough time im leaving in a few months. honestly i dont mind some of the questions cause God knows ill hear them while im out. but i agree with TC....lets not cherry pick stuff and lets not ask the most insane details about the tiniest thing and ill be honest i cant tell you the details about everything. but just be honest and open about it and dont expect us to give every answer cause we dont have them. and dont take one scripture and turn it upside down for everything. to be fair you dont take 5 sentences make it slap a meaning on a whole book so dont do it with the bible or book of mormon either. i think TC is prolly frustrated cause mormons get an unfair amount of crap over stupidity or rumours i think that is TC's frustration triying to handle that and i can understand it. but not going to lie the best way to receive answers is to read the book of mormon and attend a church meeting or two and speak with actual missionaries. though well try and answer stuff.

I've a question:

concerning the priesthood....

answering that question on the priesthood. priesthood is God's power the power to act in his name through the name of Son. the catholic church lost this when the apostles died because they fell off track became wicked so this power was lost from the earth at least that hemisphere. this lead to the dark ages. this priesthood died with peter and the other apostles. hence for Gods church to reighn again on earth that had to be restored. so God sent those apostles back to earth to restore it to smith . that said its impossible to claim to be the leader of the church like the pope does or any other church without this restored power. yes that does in a way say because i hold the priesthood i can act in Gods name and move a mountain ya if i have enough faith and there is a rightoueness reason to move that mountain. typically mountains arent moved anymore but its normally used to bless the sick and perform church ordaniances. like sacrament and ordaining people to being bishops or giving worthy men the priesthood etc. its hard to grasp totally as an outsider not going to lie. and that is part of why i know beyond all doubt its true ive seen these priesthood blessings work like magic honestly. heck one time my dad asked for a blessing from me because you cant do it to yourself or well if you have another who can give you one instead do that. but he asked because he was going to court for something and part of what i was inspired to say was the other lawyer will be confounded in speech....the other lawyers opening statements this being a really good lawyer in town his opening statements consisted of stuttering and calling my dad a liar outright saying "your a liar" sounds like an amatuer lawyer to me not a best in town lawyer. i can give countless examples but i guess ill give one more. one sunday the power went out i cant really say why we stayed but we did we had sacrament but realized our bread was in the freezer and frozen still solid as rock...well within the 10 minutes it took us to set up sacrament to be passed as we went to bless it the bread went from its solid as a rock to eadiable thats two examples i shall stop there for the sake of my injured right arm cant take typing anymore.
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#7 tachikoma679
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i beleive it has to mean....he has one body and occupies one space at a time but being God he can easily see and be everywhere at once because he made the universe he is king of it and can rule over it watch over us all without actually having to be next to me while being next to me. for example a king over his land can view and watch over his people and kind of be everywhere but he is still limited to occpuying one spot at a tme just in this case we are dealing with God who can see everything at once and isnt limited to mortal limitations
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#8 tachikoma679
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sure me new guy will answer that question and yes i am mormon. that said. i have no doubt someone else can pray about another religion earnestly and have that spirtual experience to them that claims it is true. however if you are going to claim their is a God then you must surely claim their is a devil and it would be foolish to suppose if you have the one true religion as mormons claim they are and i will carry that statement to my grave then why wouldnt Satan be pleased even if not completely but pleased with at least throwing someone off course even if of course is going to another christian church over the mormon one? i'd have to think he would be pleased with doing at least that where his influence can likely be higher at the other church over the true one. see so i have no doubt you can have a spiritual experience and i have no doubt Satan can mask himself to fool you into thinking ah i prayed about it but the mormons they arent correct. and i think this must be considered if you want to ask how another can claim they found the light and contradict our faith. i mean take the people who bombed us on 9-11 i'd have to think they have a spirtual awakening im going to die and get 70 virigins and say GOd said to do it clearly contradicting mormons so i'd have to beleive said spirtual experience is of the evil variety. that said and if you read the book of mormon at all there are countless times it says and Satan has great hold over their hearts and they were blind and couldnt see the truth. the bible says this too but not near as much i beleive. to the other guy.... we have alot of kids because well im not so sure other than the commandment which is also in the bible go forth and multiple. the church is also against birth control....wait its also for waiting for sex till marriage so dont give me the we need birth control arguement. you asked our position this is it and personally i think waiting till marriage is better than 15 year olds with condoms. so i just think it ends up happening that lds families end up being large by nature whether this is just how it ends up happening or whether these families intentially want alot of kids or what im not sure but it seems to be a theme and it probably is result of following the commandments and a side effect of that. and perhaps also our promise of if we follow the commandents and get into the celestial kingdom the highest level we become as the Father become joint heirs with CHirt become Gods and rule over our posterity for all time and eternity. future posterity of course the endless spirit children we will have at that point so i think it is just a general commandment that if your following Chist he blesses you with children and considers it a great blessing to let you have children as it is described that Gods greatest power is the gift of life so we are in effect by having kids mimicing Gods greastest power the gift of life. polygamy yes we followed it for a while but it became illegal and so we stopped it. it was largely due to widows and such be created by the massive trek outwest which was largely brought on because of the US government creating an extermination order on all mormons so we have to run for the hills or rather out west alot of us died and had alot of widows. of course in order to get a second wife the first wife had to approve of each extra wife. so this wasnt a horny men banging 10 hot young girls this was more of well here ill help take care of my fellow mans family kind of deal. however this became illegal so we beleive in following the law of the land and abandoned it. the same scripture that okayed polygamy also put it like this or close to this: "I am Chirst and my word is law so if i say it is law and i say do this then it is law so it is with this polygamy i have said to do it so it is now law but now i say to stop doing it so that is now law" i cant say thats the exact qoute but is is something to that effect it is in D and C 128 somewhere in there i think is the polygamy scripture. blacks we beleive what the bible teaches really. cain killed abel and was given a cursed skin for it dark skin this where blacks came from. the bible says it the book of mormon says it the only difference is we beleive it. we beleive they have equal chance to get into heaven but are more direct descendents of cain who made a deal with Satan so as such that explains there role in life. why africa is aids ridden is result of this bloodline which is a result of their pre life they werent exactly the most spiritual and righteousess people then so they suffer for it now as well. granted other races are just as guilty as crimes but just saying this is why third world countries are likely to be the way they are and why they are colored people there. basically in your prelife you were how you are now which is how you will be in the after life. if you were good in the prelife you are blessed for it with a better chance in the mortal world earth which means you are more likely to reap the rewards of the afterlife. if your bad in the prelife for example cain probably wasnt a good boy in the prelife....so he got punished for it here and was as such more likely to make a deal with Satan because he wasnt exactly mr God follower but apparently didnt screw up enough to get banished with Satan until after he lived here. now why it took till the 70s i think for blacks to hold the priesthood im not sure....but then again they didnt have luther king do his magic till the 60s so im guessing they just stuck with it and when blacks were finnalyl given free rights we decided to let them have free rights here too. also keep in mind if i had to guess we had only 60 years ago or so finnally gotten the government to get off our backs with polygamny and chasing us outwest and trying to kill us....so ya know i think it would be suicide to try and allow blacks full membership i think the church was probably just trying to stay alive and avoid further death orders but again this is my theory as to why it too so long to equalize blacks so dont quote me on it. however due to all that minorities probably have to try harder to make the gospel stick in their lives because they didnt do it too well in the pre life because we also beleive and have scriptures saying we used the pre life to prepare for the life now which is used to prepare for the afterlife our final destination. so if you dont make as much progress in the prelife you have to make up that plus the regular trials of life to get there. food supply simple...the world is going to hell and back end of days stuff we beleive in having enough food to live off of for a year plain and simple. levels of the after life.... hell or outer darkness as we call it. you get here by really by two ways. a deal with Satan or denying the Holy Ghost after for a fact knowing you received a witness of the Holy Ghost and you still chose to voluntarly deny him and chose Satan. you do something along these lines and you will in fact earn yourself a spot in outer darkness. this is the unpardonable sin you do it your screwed. telestial and terrestial i get confused which is which but one of them is the next one up and the other above that so ill just say the telestial is the next one above hell. telestial is the lowest kingdom of glory as outer darkness has no glory to it. telestial if you love to lie you commit sexual sin or commit the unforgiveable sin of murder...no self defense doesnt count and soliders arent held to the same standard when in war because God doesnt beleive to roll over and take it when you gotta fight you gotta fight. all those that love to land here. murders and sexual sinners land here. its pretty easy to get here in an age of porn sadly terrestial...good an honorable people. but are fooled by the crafitness of men get here. these people are honest and good folks by most standards but maybe didnt goto church maybe couldnt put the beer down or maybe beleive in Christ but not his restored church aka the mormons. celestial has three degrees the bottom two no idea what order those are in but are this. to become angels to a God one is to our God now and one is to other Gods that passed this trial of life and became Gods. these folks followed the plan 97% of the way probably but just had a couple of set backs maybe no temple marriage maybe they could go a mission but didnt something kind of small but screwed up just enough to avoid Godhood. the top kingdom the grand prize of the celestial kingdom Godhood to become well like God. "to have all that the Father has" this requires perfect obedience to all commandments now yes we will sin so we cant be perfect without repentence but overall if God says do it you do it you hit the ball everytime you did your best you embraced the scriptures with all your heart and soul. you were of the few "and few there be that find it for straight and narrow is the path but wide and large is the path to destruction and many there be that find it" in this level you are like Christ you are like Heavenly Father if you speak the world obeys you will eternally preside over your own worlds and in heaven forever and ever you will become a God you and your spouse a male and a female sorry no gays will preside eternally over your own kingdoms in heaven as Gods. kids under the age of 8....well they cant sin so they get a free ride into the celestial kingdom but not Godhood they still must earn that marking further Godhood must be tough to get since you have to imagine some of those kids wont get it. if you die without having a chance to hear of the gospel whether this conversation here counts or not dont ask me God will decide that lol. those folks get a chance to hear of the gospel accept it reject and land in the various spots of the after life so everyone before they are judged with hear of the gospel and get a chance to prove themselves worthy of Godhood or not. concerning something else posted...yea Christ was born but he is eternal. our scriptures have a quote something to the effect of when you die you will see all things are merely matter more refined or less refined in otherwords you always existed in some form or another just finnally God came along and gave you life but you always existed in some for or another and as such are eternal. so apprently science has this part right matter can neither be created nor destroyed. so everything has always been and always will be and just has been refined or unrefined over the ages to create the universe.
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#9 tachikoma679
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oh knows call the police
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#10 tachikoma679
Member since 2010 • 81 Posts

[QUOTE="MushroomWig"][QUOTE="Xx_Hopeless_xX"] And this is why most horror movies rely on this...and not on good stories..Xx_Hopeless_xX

I do hope you're not suggesting that Twilight has a good story. xD

Nothing of the sort..that's not really horror per se though..

and thats why it stunk vampires need blood and gore and twilight proves vampries without blood and gore fail