i was playing execution on river with my friends. at the start of the match, i tried throwing a frag ovver the bridge but wasnt paying attention and stuck it to the van at the end of the bridge. i died soon after. everyone else on both teams died one by one until it was sudden death. the person left on our team was on the side of the bridge we all spawned on. out of nowhere the person on the other team snipes him, but only downs him. so he starts running across the bridge to execute my downed team mate. but just as he gets across the bridge, my grenade goes off and kills him. and we win the match.
tacoeater831's forum posts
It would be great if the day before gears 3 comes out. they have some insane XP multiplier. like 100x or something like that. so taht we can all hit the level cap before gears 3. either way, i like how they have been basically giving away xp and will continue to for a while.
There's a lot pedestal-standing in regards to achievements/trophies around here it seems.
Sure, some people like to show off. But some of us like trophies because they suggest and introduce challenges that otherwise might not be thought of. It can give a reason to look at a game from a slightly different and often more challenging angle once you'd otherwise be "finished" with it. It's nothing more than a set of goals. I, for one, am intrigued as to what additional goals that Konami might set for a game like MGS4 in the form of trophies. I didn't intend on sparking an assault from the high and mighty.
you do know that there are emblems right? sure they don't add to your trophy count and your PSN rank. but the emblems are fun to aim for. and most of the really hard ones give you some sort of special item. Eg. assassin emblem = altair costume. big boss emblem = big boss facecamo. MGS4 is one of my all time favorite games. and i honestly dont miss trophies for that game because of the challenges. just think, they could have not put those emblems in there. then all you would have is a top notch game, filled with epic moments, and very fun gameplay. but who wants those things in a game? right?
One day Marcus was in jail. and Dom was all liek, Marcus, this blows ass. ur free now. and Marcus was like, Dom lets killthe locusts because guns. and Dom was like yeab Marcus that ruls. here take lucost gun. and then they ascaped. then, a bridge fell down, and they ran to helicopter and escaped before a spider could ate htem. then, Marcus meta hot chicks named Anya. and she sexed him in the helicoptr. they landed and it was owkwurd becuase kernel Hoffman was there and he was her father and he was all liek, Marcus, you give me 90$ fenis. and find the resonator. it knows the locust and we can lightbomb them with white stuff. and Marcus was like, no Hoffman i give you 110 dollars but i'm not doing this you.l then, the next day, they found a col tran and Kim died because dodge ram sworded him through the chest. Marcus cried a manly tear. carmine also died somhow through the face hole. butmauybe he wasent actually dead......... then they went around lookin for the resonatr but cuoldn't find it because they it becam dark. os the bats came out and started trying to chop them. they excaped to the new car and drove it to the undterground tunnels to actavate the resanator. then they kills som thern gards and escapd. but it didn't work somehow. but markus new that there was maps with his dads stuff. they all went to marcuses dads home and found some sweet data computers about the tunnels. so they went back to hte train and put the computer on the bomb. but htejnn dodge rammm appeard and said FOR THE QUEEN and markus was like, dayyum, this is a hard **** of boss. and Dom was liek, no use the torkque bowq. and then it almost asploded but they jumped to a helicopter, and Hoffman was liek , Marcus, i like you. you can come to myhouse and make love to my daughter. and he did. end.hyperjayson
I think we should tell epic to let him write the script for gears 3
it would eb cool if the character that you romanced in ME2 was pregnant in ME3. (or vice versa, if your shepherd is a female). a half shepherd half tali lovechild would be great. and i think earth wold be cool to visit. on another note, how are DLC characters going to be carried into ME3? not everyone who played ME2 has zaeed or kasumi on their team.
i guess nobody can really tell until after they've played gears 3 can they? i mean, nobody actually knows how it will end. they could set it up so that they could make a gears 4 if they wanted. but a prequel would be counter productive to the books. since the books tell most of the backstory anyway
Big boss or ocelot. There simply the best. that part at the end of MGS4 when solid snake and liquid were fist fighting. and liquid was using ocelots body, and solid snake is a clone of big boss, so he was in a way using big boss's body. i thought "wow, no matter what, ocelot and big boss are always there in some form." and that is badass. besides that, probably psycho mantis.
yeah, tons of people still play. i havent played as much lately since i just picked up red dead and infamous. but its still my favorite online game on the PS3.
im level 49 in gears right now. ill try to hit 50 before this since me and two of my friends are having a contest to see who can get all the gears 2 achievements before gears 3. im winning. plus, gears 2 is my favorite xbox game. I also love how epic is having all these XP bonuses lately, it seems like they've been giving away XP ever since gears 3 was announced.
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