I could be wrong but I think I heard it in the Gamespot review or in another site's review of the game that the empty slot between Yoda and the Apprentice is just an empty slot... And they said that its possible that Drath vader will be available for download or something and then he will fill that spot.
tal_001's forum posts
I know that the equipment gives you points but you have two sides next to the skill seperated be a slash( / ).
The equipment only gives you point to the right side and when you are choosing a skill you will notice the the points neccesary will flash on the left side...
So here is my situation...
I created a Killik style character and I put all the armor, weapons and stuff. But I don't know how to give him Skills/powers. You have like a couple of attributes, besides HP, Defense and Attack like Power, Impact, Boost, Gauge and Special.
You need to have a certain amount of this attributes to use your skills. So on the right side of each skill(which I think is the maximum you can have with your current equipment) I have a certain number. But on the left side i have zero(and I think this is the amount you have...) and I cant use powers...
Can anyone plz help me? thank you very much.
I got Soul Calibur 4 yesterday and played it for like 6 hours straight.
So much characters and great moves and it has a lot of content and great modes. Get it.
As far as a story there isn't much. The plot of the game though starts out with delta squad rescueing fenix from prison who then joines delta and goes insearch of alpha. after finding alpha they must plant a device called the resonator in the home of the locust to map their tunnels so they may destroy them all. thats pretty much the breif description with out giving the entire thing away, you really should rent it and playthrough the single player if your that interested as its a very good one.FLzthvikings87
Thanks man. The problem is that I live in Israel and we cant rent games here (go figure...).
thanks anyway all
OK so I haven't played Gears of war (yes I know) and I really want to get Gears 2 when it comes out. So can anyone explain to me the story of Gears 1? Is it necessary to play Gears 2?
I have it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thx a lot
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