Wow, still looks like the same dumb looking guys on steroirds, spitting the same corny lines, shooting the same incredibly slow and annoying bullets, really dumb new weapons, and a gimmicky, bound to get old, little chainsaw mini-game, and finally a incredibly lame llocust/human shield awesome...
But seriously, how could ANYONE say that they liked the original GoW campaign? Sure the Co-Op was fun...but thats about all, and the multiplayer was a uni-weapon up in your face, "only noobs use cover" waste of time. Gears of War should be awarded the #1 most overrated Xbox 360 game award. And I'm not trolling, just honestly stating the facts.
I personally loved the GOW campaign. Sure, as far as subtelty goes it was about as deep as a puddle, but it was great fun. I also think they really nailed the atmosphere in that game. You're entitled to your opinion, but that doesn't make it fact.
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