@Jaxith: Im 911 dispatcher and medical flight dispatcher and i work nights... we do all kinds of things to keep ourselves awake including playing videogames and watching movies. The things ive seen other people do.. you think 40 minutes for someone to be dispatched to a wreck is wrong? that's nothing compared to what really happens behind closed doors.
My base system without monitor or keyboards or anything else is in fact around $750. Ive been PC gaming for years and as such i have no need to buy those things. that's the same mentality of saying you have to include a TV or monitor in with the cost of your console since you can't use it without it. Not to mention a subscription if you plan on playing online... which is just freaking stupid.
In some area's yeah... consoles now are like low to mid end gaming PC's... and just like low end PC's you have to make sacrifices. unfortunately for you developers would rather ''push the envelope''. Try to offer PC quality graphics at the cost of frame rate and resolution.... and even then they fail at that approach unless your talking about games like The Order... at 24fps
the fact that today's consoles cannot maintain at least a steady 60fps and 1080p at the same time is stupid and everything your spouting is not going to change that.
Also im not saying my PC is the best one ever. Im simply stating that my PC is on another level of performance compared to what these so called next gen consoles can do.
Just finished NV 2 days ago for probably the third 3...game does look like dirt but still extremely fun... at least to me anyway. Fallout 4 looks to be a vast improvement.
Fallout 4 at the highest setting costing 1700 bucks? At 1080p its more than doable at a whole lot less. I paid around 750 bucks total for my entire computer and will run this game at max settings with no issue at all.
Either way the point of it all is Consoles can't even manage 60fps at 1080p and at this point in time that is simply a joke when computers have been doing this for years now.
it's not a 10% advantage when the framerate is more than double what is possible on a console... try 50% or better.
My rig minus the 4.3Ghz overclock which isn't stated thru Geforce Experience.
phili878 - 22 days ago
Star Wars Battlefront Beta Is 900p on PS4, 720p on Xbox One
I can't believe that useless PS4 only plays it at 900p. LMAO !!!!! The Xbox One, does as crappy as expected, but a PS4 at 900p, that is hands down, horrible. I look down on you console users in all forms when I play games as a casual gamer on my PC. Your crap year 2012 tech consoles amuse me.
You sure do look down on PC users when you yourself state that PC is better. I assume since in your other post where you stated that you make over 2 million a year you would have no issue spending your supposedly $1700 to max this game out.
tanis8585's comments