LOL. Amen to that, but yeah its fun for like a week or so. Like all the other Sims. Then you gotta take a year break and live a real life. No offense, of course. That's just how the sims works
tarnishedsteel0's forum posts
And this is not a joke! ive spent weeks trying to sort this out!!!BigBadGamerGirl
I wouldn't even call what you guys have a relationship. No offense, of course. I'd just seriously have fun right now.
It's hard to think of one, but I like the Mac vs. PC and Dos Equis.
"He can speak French, in Russian" or whatever the narrator said. LOL
And that Pepsi one with "WAKE UP PEOPLE" and the "What is Love"
Well, I play every year in a prize league through CBS Sportsline.
Here's a mock draft for 12-person leagues:
I think you can find other mock drafts for 10-person leagues here:
I don't know if this is for "Flex leagues" which basically have an extra RB/WR, etc. position in addition to the normal RB, RB, WR, WR....But yeah, running backs are probably going to be the top picks.
Basically I use these mock drafts and Yahoo! Sports big board while i draft, but I don't know if you'll have that probably will so just use those maybe get a magazine for reading on the toilet. Then just do your best to find people that'll help you win.
One thing I do try to do now is avoid players who are injury prone...u dont want that headache.
Let me know if you have any other specific questions!
I 'm gonana pick "I Love You Beth Cooper". That movie was horrible.
uhm, i wouldnt even pay money to see that. WITHOUT seeing it, i think i'll agree with you.
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