lol typical typical cows, love to run that mouth too early then fall flat on your faces
tastetheacidmil's forum posts
Cows are surprisingly quiet right now
yeah they aint talking all that good sh!t now like they have been for these past months, they will just damage control like they usually do
ha, just like i thought, cows as usual hyping stuff too early, what ever cow made that thread about killzone sf being the half life of next gen must feel pretty dumb by now
oh wait....youre serious.
That's just .....sad.
was even more sad when cows thought killzone shadowfall could be the half life of next gen
Well, considering how much cows were bagging the game anyway, this shouldn't change anything.
they would be going on and on about how great it is if it was coming to ps4
Well, Cows went the entire generation without minding that the Xbox 360 was the de facto industry standard for multiplats, so im sure the other side will be just fine.
Thing is PS3 exclusive line-up is f-ing awesome, I don't see Xbone will have that kind of exclusive line-up
If you only play games from NaughtyDog, yes.
and actually buy those games
OMG NO. Cows are more and more brainwashed these days.
Worry about KZ hitting the level of Monkey Poo Flinger before you put it on a Half-life level.
lol next month is gonna be great
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