@flexappeal: Apparently Phil thinks it's best for Xbox gamers if we didn't get Scalebound and cancelled it. Tbh I'd rather take Scale bound and have crackdown 3, State of Decay 2 and halo wars 2 cancelled if that were the case.
@69ingChimpmunks: The Xbox one UI is just all over the place and that's what's making me dislike it. Exclusive line up? Ugh, just disappointing. Why don't they just be like Sony and just delay the damn thing instead of cancelling it?....
@Fartman7998: What dislike about Dishonored 1 and 2 is the load times and I really wish it was like Arkham Knight where there are no loading screens or something like Uncharted 4 where the loading screens are hidden by cut scenes
@haze0986: Oh cause from what I've heard, PC gamers state that buying a PC is CHEAPER and is stronger than a ps4. And say what? I said consoles would clearly die out if there are no exclusives for ps4 or Xbox one since devs can focus all of their power on PCs making consoles obsolete.
Taylor_Sparks' comments