I loved Uncharted 2 and I like Uncharted 3 even more. i didn't think they could top the second game but somehow they did. What a great job done by Naughty Dog. One area I am rather dissapointed in is MP. I really enjoyed #2 but they added to many "perk" like components to the gameplay and I can't say I am impressed. Maybe its going to take some time to grow on me but so far I prefer the second games MP.
tbs76's forum posts
My favorite mario kart game had to be Mario Kart 64 for the N64. It was an epic game that was a staple in my house for 4 player battle and the game kept me busy for hours on end. My friends always came over on weekends to play that and Goldeneye. My favorite character has to be Yoshi. I am not sure why, but I seem to use him more than any other.
I love games and I love shooters like many of you all do, but who else is extremely tired of the COD vs BF debate that has been raging for several years now? I can totally respect opinions and I can accept that people prefer one game more than the other but I just don't understand why there is so much immaturity surrounding this topic.
For the record I own or have owned pretty much every COD and BF game out there, not to mention the MOHs. I honestly think they are all pretty darn good games and I repsect how much work each developer has put into their product. Both MW3 and BF3 are fun in my opinion and apparently millions of others feel the same.
I can't help but feel that most of the hate stems from multiplayer as opposed to the campaigns. How would you rate each game based on the single player alone? For action and fun I give the edge to MW3..but for graphics and realism I give the edge to BF3. The multiplayer in both games can be very entertaining and also very frustrating but that really depends on how you play the game, the game type or the teammates you play with.
I am a run and gun player. I love team based modes but i am the kamikaze in your face player that likes to get in close and break enemy lines. That usually means I kill and get killed alot, but that also means I am engaged in the action and ofter capture flags, hqs or objectives while my camping friends brag about their KD ratios while sniping from across the map and not really contributing to the cause.
The way I play lends itself to COD more than BF but I also love the open terrain that BF offers and its pretty darn cool to mow down enemy forces from your apache or blow apart buildings with a tank.
Bottom line is to each their own and wethat, but we all wish that each and every game discussion (even ones that don't involve the two above games) would stop arguing this point. Play the one you like, leave the other alone and just enjoy the game.
Give kudos to DICE for pushing their engine and trying some new things and give credit to Infinity Ward for improving on an all ready successful formula. As the saying goes..if it ain't broke don't fix it! When a game sells more and more copies than the previous year you know something is going right.
My purpose of this article is not to provoke opinions or actions but just hopefully unite True Gamers to speak out with honest opinions and insight instead of the usual "this game stinks" attitude.
I wish all gamers everywhere a happy holidays and keep on enjoying the great games, no matter what one you like.
thanks for the feedback people. I have since gotten my hands on a copy of OOTand I am totally loving it. Brings back alot of old memories and is still alot of fun to play today. As a Zelda fan you owe it to yourself to have this game in your collection.Thanks for bringing this fantastic game back Nintendo.
Is anyone else finding it really hard to get a copy of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the 3DS. I have been trying to get my copy since the 19th and pretty much no store in my area has it, and as a matter of fact never recieved this. I know this to be true cause I work for a big company that sells games and we didn't even recieve our shipment. So, did this game really sell out or did Nintendo short ship this title to create a demand. Let me know if you are having the same troubles as me. Game on people.
I think Halo 4 would be the obvious choice here...but In order for 343 to step out of Bungies huge shadow they will have to push the envelope in every way possible. They need to bring multiplayer back to Halo 3 standards (the loadouts have to go) and they really need to up the graphics wow factor. Reach was a nice step forward but they need to step it up with a more realism or at least make the campaign really stand out. No matter what 343 does I am sure they will never break the mold or exceed expectations set by Bungies more meticulous fans. Only time will tell, but I wish 343 all the best. I know it will be a top notch game. Microsoft cannot afford to let its flagship game fall into sub par territory.
Does anyone have any information regarding the development and release date for Spec Ops the Line. This game was on my must buy list for 2011 and it was originally supposed to be in stores around February if my memory stands correct. Needless to say the original release date has slipped and I wonder will this promising title ever come out. With a jam packed holiday season on the way, I would suggest this game come out ASAP or they should just push it to early 2012. I really loved the last trailer released and setting it to the tune of "Rooster" by Alice In Chains was epic. If anyone else knows more info on this game or is just as excited about this title as I am...I would love to hear from you.
I would ultimately have to say just about any Halo game. I was fairly good at Halo 2 back in the day but of course I had time to play alot more multiplayer and there were a whole lot less people online and Xbox live in particular. Now I play Halo Reach and find it rather difficult to get any number of kills or wins. I still love playing the game because of the large number of game modes like firefight. Great stuff.
I would definitely have to say it was Gears of War. Gears of War raised the bar very high for the industry. It was a showcase for the power of the 360 and the Unreal 3 engine. It won nearly every major award in 2006 but most important was a standout for its graphics. Crazier still is how Epic has once again squeezed every ounce of graphic power outta the ageing 360 for Gears of War 3. I think it will certainly be a runner up in the best graphics of the year category alongside Uncharted 3, Battlefield 3, Elder Scrolls V:Skyrim, Forza 4, and Mass Effect 3.
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