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Xbox 360, Final Fantasy, and other updates

Well after a long while of waiting my Xbox 360 has finally arrived. :)I bought Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter and Lost Planet. Both of them are awesome, but I like Lost Planet more out of the two. Lost Planet is really intense and puts you up against all sorts of Akrid.(wierd giant bug things) I beat Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII a little while ago and even though it got a lot of poor reviews I thought it was great! The story especially. I'm sure anyone who liked FFVII wouldlike it. Final Fantasy XII is brilliant, but I'm not quite finished it yet. And I'm still pretty much at the begining of Final Fantasy VIII. Boy I've got a lot of work to do! :lol:Oh, and renagadez187, don't worry, I'm still working on getting a Wii, I still want Red Steel and Twilight Princess.


Well I was having a game of soccer with my friends in this fenced in area, and while I was running and had my eye on the ball I ran into an electrical box that was attached to the fence. (That was smart huh?) The cuts weren't too deep, But it bled a lot. when I got to the hospital, the doctor did this really cool technique intstead of stitches. He took strands of hair on either side of the cuts and tied them together to pull the wound togeher, and then he glued it down. It was apperently a technique invented by the Japanese. Well, Im not supposed to wash my hair until friday, so I'm probably gonna stink till then. Is anone else exited about Tomb Raider Anniversay? Anyways, update me on whats new guys!

Xbox 360! Well, Sort of.... (long story)

It started out when I got a PSP. The main reasons I got one was a)Final Fantasy Tactics, cause I never played it on PS One, and b) Killzone Liberation. Those were really the only two reasons I wanted one. When I got it, and got Liberation, I thought it was good, but, I just couldn't make sense out of getting a PSP over it. I am in no way saying the PSP is bad. I think it is really cool all the stuff it can do, but I just am not very much into handheld consoles. I only like to play games at home, really. So I decided to get FF tactics on PS One so I could play it for my PS2. So I took my PSP back to EBgames and Got the money back for it. I also had some other money and I decided to get an Xbox 360. (Sorry to Zalzargahougan and renagadez187; I know I didn't take your advice. But I'm still going to get a Wii.) Then the guy tells me that they don't have any of the used ones in stock. But, I gave him the money and bought one in advance. so, when one comes in, (He said probably on monday or tuesday) He call to let me know. So, I own an Xbox 360, sort of. I bet the same thing will happen when I get my Wii. :roll: Anyways, whats new with you people?

How Long...

The one thing that's been bothering me latley is if that I finally get a next gen console, how long will it be before they come out with the Xbox 460, or the Wii 2 or playstation 4? I bought the gamecube really late, before I knew anything about next gen. then, after I had had it for about a week, WHAM! everyone is talking about next gen. nintendo power starts talking about a next gen console codenamed revolution. (Wii) I'm just worried that the same thing will happen to me again. Oh well. I'm doomed to forever be behind in the world of gaming! :lol: Oh well. What do you think was the best game of 2006?

(Hey! my video has 2440 views! Is that an achievement?  ..........or is that crap)

At Last!

Well I finaly own a copy of Fianl Fantasy XII! And its really good! The battle system rocks. Of course its not as good as Final Fantasy X, but its still really fun. I reccomend the Final Fantasy sereis to anone who enjoys a good long game, and who likes anime and Rpgs. I also put a new banner up. (You might not see it because of this damn glitchy computer, but I tried) Its nothing really special. I might forget about Next genaration for a while, and appreciate what I've got, but I need to get a Next gen console soon. Oh and, heh heh, If the title of this entry made you think: "At Last!" Did he get a next gen console? Well, sorry but not yet. :P

Snow is finally gone! and some good movies, my next generation desicion.

Well I don't think the snow will be coming back, and it looks like the weather is going to be nice. We had spring type weather for a long time, and then it snowed again! But I'm pretty sure its gone for good now. Anyways,  I've made my next generation decision. I'm going to try and get an Xbox 360 and a Wii. But which do I get first? :P This weekend I'm probably going to rent children of men. It looks like a great movie. I've already seen Blood Diamond, (which was brilliant,) and The good shepherd. (Not what I expected, but good nontheless.) The Pursuit of happiness is really good as well.

Guess what I found....

I was tidying up a bit in my computer room when i found a drawer fillthat had a few  of my old games for PC, including Age of Empires, The Sims, Mechwarrior 3, and Warcraft 2. I got kind of exited, finding them there, so I started playing them, and I had a lot of fun. They managed to amuse me almost the whole day. Games have come a long way since 1997, but older games can still be enjoyed.

Continued computer problems, skiing, and a new idea.

Well, I'm screwed. My video won't play anymore. It's "invalid" aperrently. I worked my ass off to make that video. :cry: jeez. oh well. To change the subject, I love skiing. Thats all I like about winter though, because the weather is crappy where I live right now, Were getting lots of freezing rain. Anyways, Ive been thinking of hooking up my PS2 to my computer and capturing some of the cutscenes of FFX and posting them here. I also may do this for Zelda with my gamecube, because there are some pretty famous moments in that game as well.

The Departed won Best Picture

To my surprise, The Departed, with Jack Nicolson, won Best picture. I havent seen it, but I saw Little Miss Sunshine, Letters from Iwo Jima. (other nominees). They were both good, but I like Letters from Iwo jima best. Its up there with Saving Private Ryan. I've also started play Shadow of the Colossus, a fun game that has great fights and good graphics. The story is a little stale so far, but I like the game. Im still having a little trouble with Gamespot, but its getting better. :)

I hate my computer

My computer is screwing up all the time and is always running really slow. I delete evrything in my message box, and when  I turn it on the next day, the messages I deleted are all still there! I've run 3 spyware checks, and they didn't find anything, And now I'm having trouble reciving messages, and making new blog posts. :evil:
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