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tec2030 Blog

Happy Belated to me!

Happy belated birthday to me, I just turned 18 on May 20th.  And I graduate from High School on May 23rd! XD Yay for me.

Another new Editorship

I am now the editor for another American Idol 5 contestant: Taylor Hicks!

What is cool is now I am the editor of the next American Idol, becuase I am the editor of all four remaining finalists! :D

Grrr...Stupid Tivo: THE SEQUEL!

I am soooo mad at my TIVO This time.  I swear, it is more a hastle to have it then to make an effort to watch live tv.  You never know when it will record or when it won't record.

Katharine sang one of my favorite new songs on American Idol last night and I MISSED IT.  I AM SO PISSED.  So I think that I am just gonna stop messing with the TIVO and just get a DVD recorder and start recording my shows to DVD-RW's and then when I am done erase them and re record on them.  That way I KNOW for sure my shows will record when I want them to.

[/end rant]

Woah, I totally skipped a Level!

I was on level eight yesterday, and then I just submitted 70 submissions and 60 of them were accepted and then I did a bunch of reviews and I skipped a level :P  I need to start submitting like crazy more often.

Music Festival in town

Festival International de Louisiane hit town yesterday so I checked it out, but it isn't really my kind of music, but it was nice to have at least one big thing happen in my city were people actually travel to come to it.  So that was great.

Nothing else really exciting.  But I will probably be Taylor Hicks and Chris Daughtry's editor tommorrow, not sure though, I did submit alot to their page today.

Grr! Stupid TIVO!

I missed the newest episode of 24 that came on yesterday cause of my stupid TIVO.  I mean I put a season pass on it and then it doesn't record.  You know, can't live with technology, can't live without it! :P