I was on the dashboard and next thing i know it went into a brown screen and stop showing an image it turns on and off like normal but it just won't show an image anymore and there isn't any red lights flashing. I've checked my HDMI cable and my HDTV also it's not that so RIP xbox 360.
techguybrian's forum posts
Everyone seems to think that Halo is the only reason that people buy 360's, an dI think that's just because it was the Xbox's launch title. If it were a Star Wars game or something for the launch title, everyone would be hating on Star Wars....
Anyway, there are 2 more Halo's in the making!
Yeah that is true.. i've noticed some of the other console fanboys seem to think anybody who buys a 360 is a dumb animal that drools for nothing but halo lol but actually i'm pretty sure alot of us actually thought about what we was buying i know i did. I got my first 360 only a few months ago and even with me knowing about RROD and no blu ray i still went for xbox 360 ..but i would still love to have a PS3 though.
gametrailers and screenshot don't do gears of war 2 justice full 1080p is crazy and IMO did look better than KZ2 on various levels
I have just the wireless one that came with the 360 itself. I have no need for anymore controllers AKA no friends lol (until one craps out on me or i break it )
The easiest game in my collection is FEAR 2 even on hard mode as long as you don't bumrush every room ( but you can still do that and get away with it most of the time ) you barely lose health
pretty much what KC said.. the jasper is worth it though.. i've been hard on my 360 ever since i first got it. one time i played it for six hours straight no breaks ( it's not very healthy to do that by the way) and the console was barely running hot.
PS1 cases broke easier than xbox 360 cases
man do i remember those days.. it pretty much took one drop to the floor and you could kiss goodbye to your PS1 case being in mint condition
yeah i remember laughing hard when i first seen that part it's still funny too. the dialog to the voice acting in that game really had that cheesy late night action B movie feel to it IMO
don't forget that one line at the end of the game.. "i'm the f****** universe!!!" lol
yeah i don't have fallout 3, fable 2 or oblivon yet i got my 360 months ago but still have a huge backlog of games to get.. just trying to build up the collection slowly.. since i'll be getting two games maybe i'll get two out of those three or one of them with Lost Oddyssy ( since i can find it cheap ).
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