Game is what, 2hrs long? Isn't that half the damn game?
Game is what, 2hrs long? Isn't that half the damn game?
Where was the great graphics? All I saw were great character models and nothing else.
Hell, where was there great anything? Shitty animations, janky barebones combat heavily relient on QTEs, extreme scripted linearity, small bland environments lacking in detail etc....this is supposed to be what the xbone is all about....LOL...this is going to get good! Cant wait! Its time for xboners to eat a big dose of karma.
Ryse looks like complete and total dog shit. If it werent an xbone exclusive, no would give two shits about it.
I will be VERY suprised if Ryse averages more then a 50 on metacritic. Reviewers better stay consistent and pan Ryse or the bias will become exposed
Lets keep it going!
Microsoft has handed off more stolen data to the NSA, then any other company ever has, because Microsoft "cares" about your privacy
The Kinect spy cam comes with terms of agreement that states Microsoft has the right to gather info on you and do what ever they please with it
...bu buu but Microsoft totally isnt going to spy on you...they have totally never done such a thing before *cough* ...
The Kinect spy cam is merely just a "love letter" from Microsof to gamers.
All gamers ever wanted was a Kinect camera to spy on them! Xbone- "built by gamers for gamers" L.O.L
The way Microsoft abandoned 360 support this year shows how much Microsoft "cared" about its 360 gamers too.
The way Microsoft spammed to death boring, repetitive, lackluster Gears/Halo/Forza sequels year in and year out also shows how Microsoft is all about the "games"
Its insane how Microsoft claims one thing yet DOES the complete opposite of what they claim in every way possible while LYING and lying the Microsoft way. Microsoft is the epitome of American corporate scum
In the same tweet Microsoft also goes on to say that the xbone has all the best games lol.
That is purely subjective.
To me Killzone, Resogun, Warframe, and Knack look much much better then Ryse, Dead Rising 3, Killer Instinct, and Forza 5 etc (PS4 launch>xbone launch to me)
BUT on a factually level, the xbone sure doesnt have the "best" multi-platform games...since most multi-plat games on PS4 are 1080p vs 720p on xbone. LOL.
So considering that 95% of the xbones games are inferior multi-platform games, NO the xbone is NOT getting the best games you Microlimpdick!
Microsoft FAILING again, like always
^Clearly the xbox one was "built by gamers for gamers"
Gamers have been yearning to watch TV, NOT on an actual TV, but on an xbox!
*shakes head*
The xbone is obviously the "gamers console" with its "revolutionary" TV features, "revoltionary" snapshot features, ad-riddled UI, enforced mandatory kinect, much weaker specs, and much more expensive price tag. This is want gamers wanted in a gaming console!
Pshhh forget the PS4 which was focused on gaming from day 1 and which does everything better for less (100$ cheaper, 50% more powerful)
*starting to taste the vomit in my mouth*
Above all else, Micrsoft proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that they were "for gamers" when they tried to enforce - on gamers, the most draconian anti-comsumer policies ever seen in gaming (xbone DRM, used game restrictions, and always online etc)
*Ok, im throwing up in disgust now*
(Never to be forgotten is how Micorosoft only pulled the plug on all of their anti-consumer xbone policies at the very last second due to losing pre-order sales)
I understand selling a product, but do it in a truthful way and without insulting our intelligence.
Microsoft believes we are stupid if they think they can get away with all of this marketing BS.
Microsoft PR and marketing is a disgrace and an insult to the intelligence of informed consumers.
A little off topic, but this is why I always tell people to inform others of the PS4's many vast advantages over the xbone. The less uninformed buyers that are out there, the less BS marketing prevails - the less Microsoft's BS gets accepted. As an example, If we didnt pre-order the PS4 more due to being informed, and it was Microsoft ahead on pre-order sales, then Microsoft wouldve kept all the xbone's anti-consumer policies and that wouldve been that, the death of gaming via Microsoft's "amazing vision" that according to Microsoft we were just not smart enough to get. Yeah, more examples of how scary anti-consumer Microsoft is.
To boot Microsoft is BLATANTLY ripping off the saying from Sony. Cerny said the PS4 was built by gamers for gamers in Feb, except he(Sony) were actually genuine and sincere when they said it. Its been proven true time and time again with the PS4 i.e that THE PS4 is the GAMERS console! Sony PROVES it. Microsoft doesnt know what it means to PROVE IT, Microsoft just TALKS it. Anything Microsoft claims should be disregarded by default .I wonder if Sony can take any legal action against Microsoft as well because thats been Sony's trademark "PS4 built by gamers for gamers"
Cows, please don't sink to this level. Anyone expecting more than 7 for KZ was dreaming,
Who are you to say what Killzone shouldve deserved?
I bet you have yet to even play it.
Want to know something? Ive played Killzone Shadowfall several times now at conventions. Shadowfall looked leauges above eveything else out there and it played like a dream. I have the experience with it. Killzone deserved a minimum of a 9.
But hey, opinions, you WANT to hide behind the opinion excuse though while trying to act like your opinion is houlier then tho" Youre a clown
Also, if you read my whole post, you'd know that i go on to say, dont listen to "reviewers" get the PS4 games you want to get and enjoy them. You just repeat what I said while trying to save face
Lastly, respond to all the other points. How the media acts like a Microsoft defense force. You expect PS4 games to be reviewed fairly by them considering all of that. Your clueless
we can't blame em when M$ is filling their pockets. If I was paid a generous amount + the swag I would even trash Sony for all they are worth. XD
yeah sure cows be crying because SONy DOESNT HAVE THEIR SH*T TOGETHER. Sorry you picked a loser.
Sony has it together like super glue. Sony has been clear and consistent from day one, that they are for the gamer and that the PS4 is for gamers. Their actions have continued to prove it!
Meanwhile Microsoft has been damn near schizophrenic with all the 180 reversals LMAO. Microsoft doenst have a clue what they are doing. The xbone is a mixed bag of messages.
The PS4 is dominating the xbone in pre-order sales right now too. A testament to the fact Sony has IT together and is providing the better console. It seems like playstation fans picked the CORRECT winner. They picked the better, more powerful, more affordable option in the PS4! PS4 FTW
The fact you xbots pick and continue to defend an under-powered, over-priced, anti-comsumer, NSA spying xbone says a lot about how IRRATIONAL you are.
You xbots are not only picking the loser, your siding with a Microsoft company who stops supporting their consoles half way into the gen, a Microsoft company who has already tried to take away your consumer rights and a Microsoft company who will be spying on you with Kinect
The few xboners left on that sinking xbone ship suffer from stockholm syndrome.
The PS4 is for REAL gamers! Thats all anyone has to ever say on this matter
I also know for a fact that im going to LOVE KILLZONE AND KNACK. **** what any of these so call "reviewers" in Microsoft's dirty pocket book have to say.
Then once Infamous and The Order DROP, its going to be a wrap. PS4 exclusives will start the domination all over again, just like how PS3 exclusives dominated this gen, and it wont stop given Sony's support. Sony and their stellar first parties cant stop, wont be stopped!
Buy an xbone, which already is much weaker and more expensive, and watch how support gets dropped for it half way into the gen, has been the case on all shitty xbox consoles. Dont allow yourselfes to be fooled.
PS4>>>xbone in every damn way!
we can't blame em when M$ is filling their pockets. If I was paid a generous amount + the swag I would even trash Sony for all they are worth. XD
Didnt Sony fly everyone out to a fancy hotel and give them free ps4s? lololololololololololol
My god you xboners are stupid.
It was a review event. Every COMPANY does it.
Sill, the reviewers had to fly out on their own, and they have to return the PS4s...only PS4's for the office are kept.
Sony was very professional.
Now compare that to the down right suspicious review events Microsoft has had. Case in point
You denialists in the face of all common sense are so much worse!
All the info is out there. If you cant put 2 and 2 together then youre hopeless
Explain to me why the gaming media awlays rushes to Microsoft's defense?
EXPLAIN the big propoganda push to dsicredit 1080p once it was found out the xbone wasnt strong enough to do 1080p with the same high fidelity graphics of PS4 games?
Explain to me why the gaming media defended Microsoft when Microsoft was trying to commit crimes against the consumer and enforce their grotesque xbone DRM and always online schemes?
Explain to me WHY gaming media NEVER mentions how Microsoft is the BIGGEST supporter of the NSA, how Microsoft has handed off more stolen data to the NSA then any other company ever, and how the Kinect is spycam capable and is a serious threat to your privacy. Consumers should know all of this and yet gaming media tries to tuck it away and cater to Microsoft OVER US. Unacceptable.
All this down right suspicious activity from so called gaming media (plus there is Microsoft's proven shady history) and youre going to trust them to review PS4 games fairly? Yeah, right...exactly....dont be that typical sheep. IF you are a real gamer stand up and make your voices heard against Microsoft/against gaming media etc
Killzone reviewed decent, but there is still an underlyning issue that needs to be adressed.
Are we supposed to believe that the same gaming media who:
●tries to downplay every advantage the PS4 has over the xbone; even went out of their way to claim that a 50-60% advantage in performance for the PS4 meant little, and that 1080p now doesnt matter while implying 720p on xbox is better
●tried to defend Microsoft's grotesque anti-consumer DRM and always online schemes
IS going to give a PS4 game a fair shake and review it fairly? Yeah, im not buying it one bit because im not dumb.
-The same gaming media who rushes to Microsoft's defense at every turn
-The same gaming media who tries to downplay everything Playstation
Can people not put two and two together to get four anymore? This is getting ridiculous
I was reading the IGN review of Killzone.There was a giant PAID AD for RYSE front and center in-between all the text, just distracting.
This means Microsoft paid IGN for that ad. Thats how IGN makes their money. We must understand that ad revenue is how game sites operate. It starts getting into "bribing territory." IGN now "decides" to display a PAID FOR AD of RYSE all over their review of Killzone. How much more blatant can it get? Did the review of Killzone go down a point or half a point as a result of? Very serious question to ponder or ask.
Gamespot and Eurogamer gave Killzone a 7. Joystick and Kotoku panned it. Polygon gave it a 5 which is just insane. But read those "reviews" too. It was just blatant hate, and double standards - criticisms against Killzone that other FPS are much more guilty of yet are never called out on for (*cough* Call of Duty/Battlefield/Halo 4 *cough*) When you look how much effort went into making Killzone, its sad to see how unfailry Guerilla Games is getting treated due to political BS in the gaming media. Makes you sick in the stomach
(BTW Polygon has already been exposed. They were FUNDED by Microsoft and have recieved money from them many times)
Then there is the way Knack is being panned for something its NOT. It was meant to be a simple game to enjoy with your kids etc.
(Even if you look back at most reviews from this gen from the usual suspect sites, you will notice how harsher standards were only ever applied to playstation exclusives. A playstation exclusive was docked points for "flaws" that were other wise ignored in nearly every other game. Was insane. There has been a history of this BS. We cant ignore it. Lets call all of this out for what it is. This needs to be stopped. There needs to be consistenecy across the board)
The same sudden harsher standards better be applied to xbone launch games or else.
When the barebones QTE riddled Ryse gets good reviews just for looking good and being a "showpiece" title, while Killzone- the best looking next gen launch game by miles still gets shunned by critics, THAT will confirm everything and prove there is a agenda in gaming media (against Playstation and for Microsoft)
Are the same gaming "journalists" who penalised a PS4 game for any little flaw they could find, going to suddenly ignore worse flaws in Dead Rising 3 and give it good reviews despite its severe performance issues? That will confirm it too.
Forza is more of the same old -same old shit, but I bet these so called gaming "reviewers" will eat it up because $ tells them to like anything that has the Microsoft name attached to its box.
As gamers we owe it to ourselfes to speak out against this BS. As a gamer of over 15 years it irks me to see whats going on, how Microsoft just buys off everyone and thinks they can buy their problems away. This must be stopped. We must FIGHT Microsoft OFF like we did during the xbone DRM/always online scandles. Do not allow any xbox shills or die-hard xboners to silence you.
And my recommendation to you, any of my fellow gamers is this, dont listen to any of these reviews of PS4 games, If YOU are interested in a PS4 game, rent it- get it, what ever, PLAY it for yourself, enjoy it, and come to your own conclusions
Anyway, these so called reviews arent going to deter me. Dont let it deter you. Still got Killzone and Knack pre-ordered!! Cant wait to play them! Happy Playstation day my fellow gamers! Just 2 more days baby! PS4 is going to be huge! PS4 has PS2 vibes of popularity in the air. Nothing IS STOPPING this PS4 freight trane. Keep trying all you want M$ and gaming media. We the gamers have the power. Youre only going to get exposed further and further;)
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