The PS4 FACTUALLY has more launch games then the xbone has - bottom line the PS4 has more games that can be played on a PS4 that CANT be played on an xbone
Also, do you notice how xboners will not count or will disregard PS4 launch exclusives like Resogun and Warframe etc
WHILE in the same breath, count xbla downloadable "games" like Killer Instinct and Crimson Dragon as exclusives for the xbone or count Kinect shovelware like Tycoon for the xbone etc
Always doing what ever they can to skew the figuers in which ever way can suite them. They are like the sleezy Microsoft themselfes. Xbots are the worst. Microsoft is the worst.
The PS4 still has more exclusive launch games PERIOD.
And Its still close in terms of big "AAA" exclusives too.
PS4 has 2- Killzone & Knack
Xbone only has 3 -Ryse, Dead Rising, Forza 5
But Quality >>>quantity.
Ryse has pretty much already been dismissed as a joke by everyone who has played it and Forza is just more of the same old shit
Hell, Killzone alone>>>>any xbone launch game
Then there is the fact that Sony supports their consoles MUCH BETTER then Microsoft does.
The fact Sony has MUCH better developers then Microsoft has,
SO... playstation exclusives will always be superior and there always will be more of 'em and at more variety. Playstation exclusives FTW this gen, just like they were last gen
Xboners are so infatuated with the short term, which is so wrong and moronic, but even then PS4>>xbone in the short term.....But as far as long term, given what we have seen and the history of each, it wont even be consoles have always been >>>>>>>>>>>>>xbox in the long term
The PS4 BEATS the xbone like a red headed step child IN EVERY possible catagory. Theres no reason to get an xbone when PS4 does everything better for less
IF you are a gamer, the PS4 is the ONLY CORRECT option...PS4 all the way and never look back....the xbone is under-powered, over-priced, anti- consumer, NSA SPYING garbage
Anyway, all in all, xbots are the worst, such dishonesty and hypocrisy, they are following in the footsteps of Microsoft afterall. Microsoft's BS and shill tacticts will never work. Xboners will always be laughed at etc etc etc....Long live Playstation!
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