Xbox 360 in it's area dominated nothing but only US and certain countries in Europe, when you talking about "Domination" without any detail means you are referring to the World Domination, and that was done by SONY PS3. Even though SONY launched PS3 at a later date and higher price point, it still managed to sell first in hand console to customers around the world more than Xbox360, with total unit sold surpasses Xbox360.
i can't wait to play the game, but so far by judging the graphics of those screen shots from both high end PC and PS4 i can say that the game's graphics are going to be one of the ugliest in 2015, specially from a AAA game. I mean in one hand you see MGS5 looks superb with advanced AI running at 60fps, and this game so ugly running at [hopefully] 30 fps. just strange! though surely the game it's self will be amazing.
@BabeNewelll: same ugly ass game, lack of any modern visual effects just sharper due to stronger GPU and CPU. that's it! It's the same ugly game. do u see any advanced extra visual effect that is absent on the consoles ?!
Gamespot almost guaranty will give this game somewhere between 9-10. It's gamespot we're talking, these guys always given MS games the highest score, and don't tell me about their score of MCC, even dog wouldn't give that game with it's state anything higher.
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