@AirDog80 BF4 is the best, i still think BC3 would have make much more sense and can sell more, but maybe they didn't go that route as they thought Hardline can be more different in terms of concept from the core Battlefield as oppose to BC to Battlefield which isn't as far ... But again i wish there was no name of Battlefield on it! Bad company would make sense as it is still Battlefield, but this is far from being Battlefield therefore shouldn't carry the name.
It's funny because, EA could have just make this game under a new IP, but NOPE !!! they just had to throw that BATTLEFIELD title on top of it to seduce the massive fan base to buy it. I never hated EA this much, They are just pure evil much worst that Activision and Microsoft.
@jodiii i agree, most of the people played the game saying its was good, 4 is really worthy of a garbage game that is filled with bugs, shame on kevin.
@dannyodwyer i got Titanfall and i still say it's gunplay is very similar to COD and yeah its comes with Mech! that's all! however it doesn't have the longevity of COD/ BF.
@steve_esquire Pleasure of playing the games that are produced by Naughty Dog! In the other word, Being able to play the highest rated games of all times!
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