In any given game, I've found that almost everyone with a mic is in a party with their friends. Those who are left are generally the ones who like to play loud music in the background, shout obscenities, or sing. Thus why everyone else is in a party.
You could try a site where you can set up a gaming session like trueachievements.com. I use it, pretty easy to find folks to play with. You can create a session for whenever you want and request that everyone have a mic, or join someone else's. Not much else I can suggest for the general public I'm afraid.
How exactly do you organze a match on there? do you just post in one of the forums or something? i've taken a quick look at the site and i can't seem to locate a section devoted to setting up MP matches.
Once you register and are logged in, go to the game you want to play and there should be a pane on the right side of the screen that says "Gaming Sessions". You can select one of those that fits your needs or at the bottom of that same pane there will be a link for making your own session. If you do, you can set it up to boost achievements or just for fun. Hope that helps!
Thanks! From what it looks like, it's mostly for getting achievements/boosting, but I'm gonna try to make my own non-boosting sessions.
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