@mdk12345 said:
Now I know in this section, people tend to favor Sony and will say anything to back up their opinion. But it's been a whole year, and the titles are underwhelming. So underwhelming, I had to buy games I didn't like cuz there wasn't much of a choice. This makes me think 8th gen could have waited a year or two more. I mean PS3 had much more games at the start like Ridge Racer 7, Motorstorm, GTA 4, Time Crisis 4, and much more.
Also, did Killzone and Drive Club max out the graphics on PS4 or are they capable of more?
Since xbox already published exclusives does not appeal me(and really bad.. look at ryse) and only two hype exclusive they have left for the future, xbox condition is far worse than ps. 2015-2016 will be the year when ps4 will sunshine. Uncharted, Bloodborne,Order 1886,Last Guardian, Disgaea etc.. Not to mention the games that can be purchaseble for both systems are played better on ps4 (single player commonly since psn can be problematic sometimes.) ps4 is way to go.
When it comes the graphics, no game can max out graphics in the first year of console publish. Probably order, bloodborne and uncharted will have better graphics. Aside that, you know the graphic card of the machine, teraflop calculation number, raster number, ram etc so you can test in pc (you have to optimize it very very well to see the max.)
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