The guys who are making it used to make good games but theyve been churning out duds for years. Id say avoid this and stick to the PC AA2.x and the new AA3.x
At the end of the original Xbox MS had lost total 4.3billion or thereabouts, maybe 3.4, either way it was alot, we wont know if MS makes a profit on this till a 3 or so years down the line.
First off Euphoria isnt a physics engine, its an system that relies on a proper physics system such as Havok. Also Megatexture used in QWET and Rage is also in UE3. Youll find UE3 will do virtually everything the othee engines can, the difference is some are more specific. CryEngine 2 for example is unlikly to find many 3rd party developers are its a very specific engine, UE3 however is VERY flexible with a powerful scripting system.
As long as the game is out later than it was initially intended for, it is considered a delayjhcho2
Its intended to be out when its finished, and when its finished itll be out. Epic is one of a select group of devs who are allowed to do this by their publishers. Most dates are based on estimates from the publisher, but you wont see the game out till its finished even then. There are no delays, just poor estimates. If you're stupid enough to use dates as your example then you can stew in it.
There was and is no delay becuase Epic doesnt delay things, they release when its rdy as theyve always said so there is no delaying they can do as its always out on time.
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