teebeenz's forum posts
Whereas the cd drive in pc/360 etc have the centre rise up, lifting the disc and then spinning. So movement causes the discs position to shift = scratchesdarksusperiaNo PCs like most devices also have a clamp which locks the disk in place.
that applies to every system. never ever, under any circumstances, move any console or PC while its on and the disc drive is spinning..osan0Wrong, as standard since the god damn 80s drives had protections built in. This is why people in the 90s with Discmans and such were able to like, play music.
Everyone keeps saying how you get what you pay for but that isn't true. Just look at GFW Live you have to play that and Steam Community is 100x better than that is free.anime-2k3...and dont forget steam has full commercial title downloads as well, something live lacks.
'Other' version is also supposed to have full keyboard and mouse support.danjammer69As well as cross PS3 to PC play. Epics also mentioned the option to sell mod content on PSn, not from them but from community mod makers.
well then, that would explain why i was so missinformed. thank you for clearing that up.but can i ask whats so horrable about PSN? people make it sound as bad as friendcodes.GlassDominionThere isnt anything wrong with it. Both systems have the same features for the most, each offering its own advantages in places. Most 'problems' people have are with games which dont use it, or with things unrelated to PSN at all.
most of the launch titles did the individual list didnt it? i would like the ability to check mail and see what games my friends are in while im in a game.GlassDominionThe early titles didnt use PSN at all.
[no joke, of course sony will. sony and nintendo never really jumped into the online last generation but MS has been doing it all along. sony will look to see what MS is doing and aim to have a similar service for its users. you listen to pod casts and interviews sony admits they need to make the service better. they said they were working on the universal friends list, more content in the store, etc.GlassDominionUniversal friends list has been in since day 1. Store has plenty of content, not to mention a few commercial titles. Its doing fine for the time its been running.
>okay but who likes paying out their own pocket nobody thats why they hate paying out their pocket to put people online and still after playing on psn then xbox live theres a huge gap there now i think sony will try stealing some more stuff from xbox live but theres only so much they can doGen007Not really a huge gap, most features are either in the base lib or due for release later this year. Youll notice many PS3 games have had scoring systems pop up recently among other things.
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