teebeenz's forum posts
so i open the disc try and close it with no disc. the 360 attempts to read if there is a disc, and during this process of reading, i hear like a revving/motor/phone vibrating on the table type noise..2 small spurts of it. is there something wrong with my disc tray/drive? should i return and get a new one? its reading the games fine, its just that noise is bothering me cuz it doesnt sound normal? or is that how its supposed to sound when u dont put a disc in and it attempt to read it? PLEASE HELPj1nfuThe 360s drive makes alot of noises depending which you have, just make sure you dont knock the machine while a disk is in or youll end up with a 60$ coaster.
that makes a total of..what 10 demos total?! sad and pathetic. 4 demos came out on live last week alone, that was added to over 80 demos on live....pfft. just stop self owning yourself.Unreal_393Dude, you're rambling over things which have no link to live at all.
Yep dignity intact and you made some solid points.julianweltonOh, and as of today thats 3 demos out this week.
sad, and did you call Rainbow six vegas A "dud"......there goes your credibility.Unreal_393Red storm hasnt had a proper Rainbow 6 since RvS.
TON OF OF DEMOS ON PSN!!!!??????? Unreal_393Yup, for being out less than year there is tons. 2 new ones added this week.
"overloaded"???!!!! fine i choose a working p2p service over a bunch of crap "overloaded" dedicated servers Unreal_393Nothing uses p2p for its game servers, on XBL or PSN. They use a clientserver system.
was i suppose to laugh at the disneyland joke.....cause im not....phail. Unreal_393No you shouldn't laugh, needing to convert cash needlessly to another virtual currency makes no sense. The fact you often need to convert in spefici amounts at a time, which in many cases is to much or to little to do a direct purchase isnt so great.
Better quality on headsets Unreal_393Yup, just take a look at the many many reviews which go into detail on this.
dont comment, youre just making a fool out of yourself trying to defend a crap service like psn. Unreal_393I think I kept my dignity, after all I didnt use caps once, or 40 question marks, or use the word "phail" in a sentence.
You can be a kid, or have a terrible income and still afford it.LTomlinson21Its not about being able to afford it, its about if you should have to "afford" it at all.
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