wireless isn't bad. i use it. granted i have the thing set to have all IPs open for connection, but not im DMZ mode.so really your thing isn't accurate. wireless works great, and im using it in a completly seperate room thats up stairs... so yea, any ways, my DLs are pretty fast.MGSFan27285
Wireless is bad, it adds lag and extra latency to a link, and thats the last thing you want on a games machine.
EDIT: Although this seems like cool news, someone pointed out that this is an article from 2006 (even though it's on a couple sites) lol. It might be *very old* news. And GTA has been delayed since then, however, it does settle the dispute that all the content isn't exclusive.Game-o_O
It does no such thing, its a rumour from a year ago which hasnt been repeated since. Close this thread.
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