tegovoltio's forum posts
[QUOTE="tegovoltio"]The whole option 3 is not going to work. It's not that hard to pick a winner. PPl who are mostly about it are some who can't accept their favorite console lost. Just because it's your preference that doesn't make it overall better.
Like applying option 3 to a console like the 3DO or saying the dreamcast won just because it had your favorite game.
Dreamcast lost? o_O OH MY GOD!
Seriously though, if you want to go by sales/review scores... then what DO you need System Wars for? You can just look those up! We don't really need a forum unless it's option 3, the same system we've come to rely on for years.
My point is that ''option 3'' should be common sense. Nothing wrong with admiting your favorite console lost by having the least sales and/or smallest library. If you want to argue about your point of view by explaining why it was great while making good points, no one should come up with something like ''teh sales'' argument as a counter.
[QUOTE="tegovoltio"]That is what System Wars always has been. See, you can say whatever you want, but if you can't support your statements, you will be exposed as a fanboy/ignorant/close minded/ or worse. In other words you will be owned.The whole option 3 is not going to work. It's not that hard to pick a winner. PPl who are mostly about it are some who can't accept their favorite console lost. Just because it's your preference that doesn't make it overall better.
Like applying option 3 to a console like the 3DO or saying the dreamcast won just because it had your favorite game.
It isn't hard to pick a winner, sure. But it is almost impossible to find a good balanced fair system that a majority would find acceptable means to determine the winner. How could you compare the PC with PS3/Xbox with the Wii with DS/PSP in an accurate manner that would take in consideration important factors like Game Reviews/quality, Sales, Attach Rates, prospects, price points, consumer satisfaction, etc... ?
Most of the "Systems" aren't really even competing with each other in the marketplace (a.k.a. reality). PC doesn't compete directly with Xbox/PS3, which doesn't really compete directly with Wii, which doesn't compete directly with DS/PSP, which doesn't compete directly with mobles, etc... Peter Moore going around trumpeting Wii60 is just one of many examples of that.
Option 3 is the way to go. Let arguments stand or fall by thier own strength.
I know what you are saying and I agree to some point. For example Gamecube is supposed to come last, but I think it had better games than the Xbox. It doesn't matter since it's got less sales and didn't have a big library either. That doesn't change my view of the console. Option 3 is valid when we are discussing opinions, you just can't declare the GC winner because it had your favorite game.
I didn't vote because I think that it has always been a combination of option 1 and 2. Ppl are trying to change it now because of the Wii factor.
Wtf is that at the end?
Makes MGS4 is just a joke.
Holy ****
Coke drinking monkey :lol:
yay monkeys and ninjas... kojima MUST be on crackniall077
ITT: Ppl who haven't seen MGS trailers before.
The whole option 3 is not going to work. It's not that hard to pick a winner. PPl who are mostly about it are some who can't accept their favorite console lost. Just because it's your preference that doesn't make it overall better.
Like applying option 3 to a console like the 3DO or saying the dreamcast won just because it had your favorite game.
I really don't mind Master chief and Snake looking generic. They're military type people, I doubt whoever designed their suits were worried about whether they had flair or not.
Shoulda added more zippers & belts, those are hawt.
There's always something to find that makes something else looks generic or been there done that. That doesn't really makes it not cool. Looking at TC posting bomberman reminds me of when ppl say Samus is a rip off of it.
I really don't think either MC or Snake's look is original.
The whole Nomura design thing of pockets, belts etc...was actually nice at first until it became overused.
Only if it's better than the original with significant extras and enhancements that at the same time don't damage it.
I'm not really on my toes for this but I welcome a remake more than crappy spin-offs fo sure.
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