tenczas9's forum posts
I love action adventure games and 3rd person shooters.
Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon, Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts, Prince of Persia, Dead Space, and Bioshock.
Good? Any suggestions? I already have Gears 1 and 2. I have Halo 3. I have Devil May Cry and Ninja Gaiden 2. Don't say Call of Duty or guitar hero games because I don't like them.
If you like horror games, dead space.
I wouldn't do bioshock. I thought the game was way too weird as the people you fight are all psychos and after a while you feel like your trapped in a psychotic game with freaks and it gets really annoying.
World at War is really fun, but don't get it if you have Call of Duty 4. They are kinda the same.
Fallout 3 is like oblivion with guns. So it will be pretty good.
If i had this decision...I'd go with WaW or dead space.
[QUOTE="tenczas9"]Getting a life would help. Other than that, just kill people, especially small children. It worked for me.PC_X360I have a life, I am not spoiled.
I never said you were spoiled. Thats probably the reason you are depressed. False sense of reality. Another thing that would help you is to get a life though.
[QUOTE="tenczas9"]Hey I have an idea! Learn how to use complete sentences. For God sake I can't read what you wrote it burns my eyes. The American people are going down a hole fast.smack_masta
The irony of this sentence.
Why would you want a poser. I am sickened by this thread. Also, I feel as though posers are very dumb. Posers r silly ppl. I like silly ppl. I like when posers aren't mean but if they r silly they can be good although they need to be such as a better person and such as that sort of thing but thats what i think and you can find posers anywhere there is such as a road or such as.
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