I wish people would stop making threads about God just to get a lot of posts. Don't talk about God on a video game website, even if this is off topic. Stop making threads about God!!! Therefore God and time the end.
After seeing the movie "Titanic" and knowing about all of the hurricane activity along with global warming, I don't really want to take the risk of dying on a boat. Also, if somehow the ship gets a hole or something your stranded in the ocean for hours. It's not worth the risk, and I'd rather be on land anyways. Own3d
For me its my little sister who is the loudest screamer I've ever seen....I recently had an 8 hour roadtrip with my family and she was screaming in the car....ahhhhhhhh.
Nascar is not a sport!! All you do is turn your hands. If nascar is a sport, then so is mario kart wii!!! I would never go see a nascar race because its horrendously boring. If I want to watch cars go by I'll go stand on the edge of the freeway.
Wtf is so creepy about that piggy bank? Who even uses piggy banks? Aren't they extinct? Piggy banks are stupid...just put ur money in a jar, wallet, or bank account?
I hate movies about robots with no life (Wall-E) and I hate video games about robots with no life (ClanK). I hate robots which is funny because im related to a robot. You cant win 'em all.
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