Ok sry I install the game then when instalation is over i run the game but the game wont start it appier on mu ecran error and i go dont send.I was download newest drivers and nothing again,the some cind of program the one guy givs me for the game show the game can run.I have pentium 4 1000mb of ram,ATI radeom 9600.But i thin i must by new comp and that will be let me think.............that will be about 7years.So i dont know what to do :'(
I have instal dynasty warriors 6,but when i want to run game he sent me error.I tryed everything download some program to tell me does i have system for game,it was positive.I have pemtiom 4 1mb ram ati radeo 9600?how can i run game?
I dont know to write werry good,but you will understand (hope so),i have install dynasty warriors 6 from rapidshare free accaount but every time when i want to run game it's send me an error what shuld i do?
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