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Gran Turismo 5
There is an awesome game hidden in GT5. But Polyphony took 5 years to hide it, so you will need persistance to find it.
For a game that has been postponed for 5 years GT5 is an awful game. Load times are way to long, the menu and interface is confusing, my Shelby 350GT sounds like a lawnmower, my clio Sport V6 can't go around corners with... Read Full Review
4 of 4 users found the following review helpful
Need for Speed Undercover
The game tries to build on NFS Most Wanted, but is seriously hampered by flaws and bugs.
This game could have taken the NFS series back to the glory days of NFS Most Wanted. Unfortunately it did not succeeded in doing so. Graphics have surely improved since most wanted, but they fail to support the racin... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
NBA 2K10 (10th Anniversary Edition)
Start with the Myplayer campaign and you will learn to love it, if you dig basketball.
At first the interface and overwhelming amount of moves were pretty frustrating. After some effort I got into to game and now am loving it more and more. The game looks amazing. Players all have there individual way ... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Divinity II: Ego Draconis
Although all the elements for a proper RPG are here, it somehow doesn't work out.
While playing this game the desire for more loot and skills kept me going through the end. However having finished it I realized this was not an satisfying experience and I will never come back to this game. Not that... Read Full Review
4 of 10 users found the following review helpful
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