Tone, color pallet, animations (fucking yikes at TR), setting, lighting, scale, gunplay, amount of ammo and supplies and enemy AI are all waaaaaaay different. And that's just me listing the differences by memory.
Yeah totally looks like TR in that its 3rd person...with a female lead...and you can kill people. Aaaaand that's just about where the similarities end.
I don't know what some of you dickheads are drooling about but I thought that was a pretty great format aside from the intermission bullshit. It was made all the more irritating by the 4 mannequins filling that time. The show itself though was nothing but games and no random suits interrupting the flow. The transition animations in TLoU were enough to get me excited. This has overall been a great E3 with even Ubi putting on a decent show.
Oh wait I forgot about EA. They were channelling 2010 Konami with that nonsense.
I enjoyed the game but MGS4 is not in the same league as the likes of OoT or SMG2. Its such a polarizing game and for good reason but I think its a solid 7.5/10 and worth playing for sure. What an unfortunate follow up to one of the GOATs tho.
You two are acting like I'm championing this idea. I'm saying it's creative enough to catch on if marketed correctly. The price is whack but with the inclusion of a game, the optics aren't all that bad. There's also a number of very positive previews floating around; so far, so good. Poo poo it all you want but I think it has a good chance to do very well for Nintendo.
This is for kids who already own a Switch. I can't imagine this being much of a system seller. And you would he surprised how insanely expensive the larger Lego sets can get.
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