Always have the pseudo-intellectuals trying to characterize rap as some sort of sub-category of music. I agree with the post title, didn't read the rest; it''s evident already that hip-hop changed music all around, at least popular music; wish it didn't. Rap sucks, and many pop songs of the day are "rapish," so, they have a nice little monopoly there in terms of influence. Here's hoping it'll go away soon and we have instruments for a change.
Teubrinquedo12's forum posts
Sounds dull and trite. Impossible in any case. Also, if you really wanted to make your life "negativity-free" you could works towards it and nail it.
This is tricky; usually the women in that role. I honestly couldn't say, which says something? >.< Anyway, Nathan Drake is pretty romanticized, does that count?
Tramp stamps are horrendous. Aside from that, I do not like sleeves. Frankly, I do not like tattoos at all. I think every now and then it will look good on a certain person, but there are usually meaningless. The only tattoo I wouldn't feel iffy of are those in memory of a loved one, and little ones in discreet places.
I agree. But, then again, U.S.A is a lot better than most other places, that is, if you live life with the intention of "making something" out of yourself. I think the South is much more pleasant; I absolutely despise New Jersey, which is where I live. I would say U.S.A is one of the most racist countries around.
You make a lot of Topics; I like it because your icon photo/gif is pleasant. Anyway, potato's is definitely up there on the list. I'd say Pears! It seems everyone is all about the apples and oranges.
Invariably I say to myself within my head, "Damn, another day." Then, I commence that day with a coffee and eggs while watching the news, knowing I can't stand the news.
Small-talk for the sake of itself, as someone as mentioned.
Hippies; this includes anyone who bandwagons a political cause because it's either expected or because they feel it makes them relevant.
I'm kidding, they love big papa. No, I spent the day idly watching a few documentaries on serial killers. hehe. Anyway, I came across a chap by the name of Elliot Rodgers. The killers occured last year, in the first quarter of that year. This Elliot fellow was 22 at the time and his reason for killing 6 people and injuring a handful of others, indiscriminately, by means of shooting, stabbing, and hit-and-runs; basically, he went GTA on these guys. His reason for killing them, at least on paper, is because he was a virgin and had yet to have had his first kiss, so he loathed women at his college campus in L.A, particularly pretty, popular blondes, whom he perceived as spoiled, nihilihstic bimbos. Yet, he coveted them, and he also coveted the lifesytles of the man-whores sleeping with them. I just found him incredibly interesting since he was documented to have spent much of his time in forums, watching anime, i.e., all those things associated with the "anti-social/cyber-warrior" group of chaps, such as the majority of us, I presume. Anyhow, I never heard about it. He was very affluent, with both parents in the film/entertainment industry (father was assistant-director for Hunger Games Series.) So, I'm guessing that maybe his parents had some pull to keep the story as hush-hush as possible. Anyway, here is his final youtube video he entitles "Retribution Day," published along the way in committing his massacre. He's very narcisstic, obviously, but, I don't know, I don't want to just surmise to say he was that and that's all; After looking at this video, and knowing what's done, would you say he's simply that, that is, a narcisstic, sex-deprived, jealous and whiny punk, or, perhaps, mental disorders played a role here?
And, for those who have time or are interested further, here's a full documentary about 45 minutes in duration.
@dylandr: @MrGeezer: Yes, I would say that should be acceptable here in U.S, at least, socially acceptable. Though I'm not too close with my cousins, being that they live in Brasil, I would venture to say that it's okay as well to have romantic relationships with the close ones; how desirable that would be is entirely different story.
Thanks for the opinions, \o/
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