@ondrugs @teufelherz No line crossed lol, I just went away. I game mostly on 360, but I also have a PS3 and currently playing SFIV to get ready for EVO, though I know I will not do well. Anyway, my GT on 360 is different from teufelherz. BTW, I've had a girlfriend for over four years, which is a living hell, and that is still > Wii U
@ondrugs @teufelherz I just wish I could play more, but real life gets on the way. I think I used to be hardcore. I have a few gems as part of my collection. I have no problems in talking more. Talking about games > Wii U
@ondrugs @teufelherz Yeah there is one called Ancient City which is 4. The fact that you mentioned them just made me want to play through them. I will start this weekend with the first game on psx (2 in Japan) and I will get my hands on 4 for ps2 someday > Wii U
@ondrugs @teufelherz Well I believe you. I have the 2 original King's Field Games for PSX (which are actually 2 and 3 in Japan). I have the first one in Longbox. Now believe it or not, I've never played them, shame on me :( BUT THAT > Wii U
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