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texasfight54 Blog


My cousin has THREE wii's. She wont give me crap. She wont give her own kids crap. Five teens against one mom want to play a Wii... Guess where she's going with all this?
Ebay, god I want to kick her ass

33, and I played GoW

33, and I played Gears of War at my friends house last night. It was awesome, story mode and multiplayer are cool, curb stomp makes me cringe, but it's still a perfect game.

Oh boy...

I'm switching my mind between a wii and a 360. OH CRAP!! I don't know what to pick...I should ask for the 360 for christmas, then buy the wii. I think. That wiimote is so cool, but so is the ring of light on the 360. ( plus GOW)... I  dunno ma n.

My family is moving!!

We're moving!! Only a few miles, but still. It has a huge gameroom. Too bad I'm only gonna live there for about four years. ( Finish junior, senior in high school, plus freshman and sophomore in Junior college.) Then im off to Austin I guess...