Isn't there already a company called Vanillaware or something?CRS98There should be 'Vanilla group'. But I think It's temporary name and can change.
texturaz's forum posts
OK.... what kind of colour would you like on the name of company?
This site... is not for people generally... but for companies that make computer games. I (with my friends) want to make for them some graphics, arts, and 3d models. So, we want to focus on creating computer graphics for computer games for other companies.
The name of the company can change.
Sorry for my english :) Im from Poland
One more: The machnizm is.., that I will send an invitiation to cooperation to companies, rather not inversly that company will be searching such company on google or somewhere else (maybe in a couple of years:)
I want to make a website about my new company -small, modest, no fireworks, nothing special.Please look at that generally, what do you think? Is something really badand should be distinct corrected?
I've got section 'JOBS' on my website, but I don't speak english very well. I need some short, clear text there.
I wrote sthg like this:
If you would like to support (supply? reinforce? streghten? -which word will be the best?) our team,
do not hesitate to write to us. We are looking for people every specialization:
- graphic artist
- photographer
- ...
- ...
Please send your CV and samples of your work on
Is that ok?
RushMetallica: What do you mean ;>?
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